Middle East

Georgia Iran Bahrain Kuwait Lebanon Israel West Bank Jordan Cyprus Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Yemen Saudia Arabia Iraq Afghanistan Turkmenistan Syria Azerbaijan Armenia Turkey Jordan Azerbaijan Armenia Cyprus Lebanon West Bank Israel

Map of Middle East

Most Western definitions of the "Middle East" define the region as "nations in Southwest Asia, from Iran to Egypt". However, North African nations without Asian links, such as Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco, are increasingly being called North African as opposed to Middle Eastern. On TravelBlog, we use a slightly narrower definition for The Middle East - the area stretching from the Bosphorus (Turkey) to Afghanistan, and the Red Sea.

In the Western world, the Middle East is generally thought of as a predominantly Islamic Arabic community defined by frequent war and upheaval. Yet the area encompasses many distinct cultural and ethnic groups, and seven main languages. As a result it holds some of the most diverse and vibrant population centers.

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