

As late as the 70s Oman was a quiet, poor and conservative backwater. That all changed when the current Sultan took over the reign of power and ushered Oman into the modern era. Unlike most of its neighbours, Oman doesn’t have enough oil to spend on lavish projects or hire on expat labourers to do a great majority of the work.

Yet, oil it has, enough to create wealth, but not too much. You could say Oman has reaped most of the benefits of its oil, without falling into the trap of vices that comes with it.

This is the country of mighty castles and watchtowers, traditional villages, desert mirages, craggy mountains with hidden crystalline pools of water, camel caravans and men with curved daggers on their hips and smiles on their faces.

Come to Muscat, its laidback capital with a watchtower on every peak, and forts guarding its harbor. Get yourself a car and drive into the mountain and swim in emerald pools of Wadi Shab or one of the many other hidden wadis out there. Visit huge Bahla Fort, one of hundreds of forts you will see in the country. Watch sea turtles come ashore and nest on the beaches, or take a camel trip into Sharqiya Sands, with its rolling sand dunes. If you ever wondered where the three wise men got their frankincense from, go to Salalah and you will find out.

Oman is easy to reach, easy to navigate and it’s a country well worth visiting. The people are friendly and educated and proud of their traditions.

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