Turkey 17 - Istanbul - the taxi that did not turn up on time /Istanbul airport and security plus/ Eid Mubarak - the flight home and Turkish breakfast again

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April 27th 2024
Published: April 27th 2024
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You never sleep well when you are travelling home . More so when you are governed by the time of your taxi, the journey time to an airport and a flight you cannot afford to miss . We set the alarms - two of them for 4am . Probably far too early but we struggled to sleep . There is always that worry that you will oversleep ., miss your taxi and miss your flight . Something that never seemed so important in the van . We got up then whenever we woke however early that was . We set out when we were ready and factored in the time of the train and possibly delays . With a few comfort breaks factored in .

This was different. We had plenty of time for showers and a coffee before we set off for the last time down the lift to the reception area . We could hear the kitchen staff . That was coming to life in readiness for breakfasts . The night porter was cheerful and wished us a good morning . What time is your taxi ? It was 4.40 and we were beginning to get the jitters . They told us to come down at 4.50 to wait for them . So here we are nice and early . Yellow taxis were running up and down the street outside our hotel . Plus one or two black private ones. As each approached we thought it ours . But each drove past to another pick up. 5 am arrived . Then 5.10 and still no sign of the taxi . How long do you wait before you panic ? I had added in an extra hour for late arrival at the hotel and possible heavy traffic as the journey to the airport was reported to be anything between 50 minutes and one and a half hours .

5.20 - Is he coming ? Would you like me to ring them for you? We tried the Whats App number . No answer . The night porter tried it . No answer . Eventually we recieved a message and the hotel night porter got an answer to his call . The driver will be with you in ten minutes . What a long ten minutes . Other people started to filter to reception waiting for their taxis .

Finally the black taxi turned up. The driver gave no apology for being late and just loaded our cases into the boot. His taxi was new but smelt heavily of smoke . My review of the company was going down by the minute . Late - smoke. What else could go wrong ? The traffic even at this early hour of the morning was heavy . The driver finally left the city and then stopped . He needed petrol . Five minutes he said . In the great scheme of things five minutes seemed not to make much difference .

He eventually dropped us off in front of the terminal entrance at what looked like a fantastically modern airport complete with its own mosque .

We already knew we needed the business door - Door 5 and that was easy to locate . Inside was a security desk which we bypassed quickly . Store your firearms here was the next desk . Security was heavy as we expected . We passed through the first hall . There was not that much signage so we joined a queue to have our passports checked . Stamps were stuck on the back cover and we were directed to the next line of passengers . Luckily business class was efficient and we passed through a second passport check where our passports gained our Turkey exit stamp.

Next stop baggage check . With hand luggage and the best X Ray equipment we did sail through with no problems. However I had to wait for a young lady to do a full body check . Next stop the security again . Third time the passport was checked . Eventually we escaped and headed for the Business lounge . Much brighter and more modern than Manchester . Too much choice of food . Quieter with areas you could sit and view the passengers milling about the shopping aisles below . High end shops nothing bottom of the range . Golf practice ranges , quiet spaces the area had it all .

We were called to the gate at 8.55 an hour before take off . A short walk took us to the next holding area . This was a mass of people and extremely noisy . It took an age to be called and then there seemed to mayhem . We did board first and got our seats . We were wished an Eid Mubarak - a greeting for Eid and handed out chocolate sweets .

The take off was fine , the skies were clear as we headed home . The orange juice ,the wine , the snacks were all brilliant and kept us going . The breakfast consisted of different cheeses, yoghurt, honey nuts and fruit . As much bread as we could have wished for .

We sat in front of a Ukrainian couple and across was an obnoxious young lad who insisted on putting his dirty feet on the board in front of him . Despite being told off times many he would not listen and refused to unplug his computer when landing and put his seat belt on.

We got out of Manchester fairly quickly . Through the e-gates . The first time we have used them so they were a little confusing as there was no-one in front to copy. Lee was waiting for us and we called him to say we were at the gates . Within 45 minutes of landing we were home . Our adventure over . Where is the next one going to be ? Finish one and start to plan the next . What a good idea .


27th April 2024

Dificult sleeping the night before travel...
We share your pain! It is even worse when a major snow storm is forecast for that night. You had an amazing trip to Istanbul. I hope you repeat this experience with many other destinations.
28th April 2024

I have a plan when I go to bed . It goes back years . Hit my head gently on the pillow 4 times if I want to get up at 4 .. Psychological but it seems to work . Two alarms always set and we still wake in the early hours unable to sleep . Was shocked when Glenn said Istanbul and then we booked it at quite short notice . Been ill since we came home . Heavy colds/flu/chest infection - not sure which . I got it first within a few days of coming home . Then Glenn picked it up from me . A lot of memories though .
28th April 2024

I hope that you both get well soon...
I got a bad cold upon returning from the Caribbean. I even had tests done to determine whether I had covid or bronchitis. I'm better now.
29th April 2024

bad colds
Don't know if it is age thing but we seem to get absolute stinkers of colds these days . Glenn tested for Covid . More because he is due his Spring booster in two weeks and would have needed to cancel if he had proved positive . Just heavy colds but left us both feeling shattered .

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