Blogs from Corrientes, Corrientes, Argentina, South America


South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes June 20th 2023

(Day 355 on the road) Third time in my life in Buenos Aires, and I seem to like the city more every time I re-visit. When travelling, I subconsciously keep asking myself "Could I live here?". I always admire people who have traveled and then - at one point - simply fell in love with a place. And stayed. So far, I haven't found that one special place for me. Maybe one day. Having said that , and looking specifically at South America, Buenos Aires would certainly be my preferred place, where I could see myself living for a while. It has lots of things that I value in a big city: Amazing cultural offerings, efficient public transport, a great food scene, lots of nice parks, plus security is not much of an issue. Or to ... read more
Cruising in the Tigre delta
Horseriding in San Atonio de Areco
Boat captain in the Ibera Provincial Park

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes March 16th 2012

Again, we have no idea where we were exactly so sorry if the location is incorrect After breakfast at the hotel, we walked across the way to the camp site to put our baggage back on the truck and we drove off on another long driving day. A couple of toilet stops and we stopped for lunch at the edge of a garage forecourt as there was a bit of shade. The weather is really hot!! It was our turn to do lunch so we got it all together - cheese, tuna and ham and the day before's pasta salad. Also some oranges we cut into quarters. After lunch was cleared away, back on to the truck for the rest of the long drive towards Puerto Iguazu and a 'bush camp' for the night. We stopped ... read more

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes January 24th 2011

I’m sitting in a dusty Bar in the northern city of Correnties and I’m watching the mosquito at work. He’s hovering amid my vein lined foot, going from vein to vein inspecting each vessel as if it was a human being inspecting bottles of wine, he pauses at each vein, then pops over to the next one. I smush him before he gets too comfortable and have that rush of confidence and power that it only derived when you heroically conquer a creature that’s probably 1/10000 your size. We decided to stay in a town called Corrientes and the decision was a poor one, Correnties aside from a pretty central square is devoid of anything interesting and extremely expensive by Argentinean standards. The lonely planet has a section on Correnties that simply reads "Fuck Correnties, its ... read more

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes January 22nd 2011

Be warned, myself and Niamh have been without internet for several days due to the fact that we have been staying in the Argentinean backwoods towns, it’s a bit like that film deliverance except with friendlier locals with a full set of teeth,. no duelling banjos and thankfully no anal rape. Anyway, this blog entry is longer then normal so just bear with it, we have promised to stay in more advanced towns in future to keep things more tight and coherent. Argentina, with the rainforest at its crown and Patagonia nearly resting its feet on the Antarctic circle, home of Che Guevara, Philippe Conteponi, legendary steaks, giganotosaurus and the future birthplace of Johnny Rico*, its going to be some place to visit. Niamh managed to survive her well kept dorm and I managed to survive ... read more

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes October 19th 2009

Wel bois bach, ma hi di bod yn gyfnod sbel ers i mi gyfrannu at y blog! Dwi fel arfer wrthi´n sortio lle da ni´n mynd, lle da ni´n aros a.y.y.b. Ond ar ol 5 wythnos o fod y person ´sortio´ petha, penderfynnais fod hi´n twrn Nick! Ar ol Iguazu mi oedd gennym 4-5 diwrnod yn rhydd cyn gorfod dal y bws i Puerto Madryn o Buenos Aires. Da ni di gweld bob dim oeddan ni eisiau gweld yn y lle a mae´r pobl yn afiach o snoblyd ac anghwrtais, felly doeddan ni ddim ffansi gwario gormod o amser yn y lle! Awgrymodd y hostel ein bod ni yn mynd i Mercedes a gwneud trip o fana i Ibera National Park. Oedd na bws yn gadael 10y.h a cyrraedd Mercedes tua 7 y.b. Trip hawdd. Trip ... read more
On the lake

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes May 26th 2009

Since there's not so many Argentines knowing about this park, it didn't surprise me that most people reacted with 'you're going where?' to me explaining my plans of exploring this small park of lively lagunas, palmtrees and difficult roads. Parque Mburucuyá was created out of two former estancias (large farms and their land), holds magnificent animal life and fine scenery sights. My first stop on the way to the park was Saladas, a town with a bus terminal. Wandering around there, i asked a girl in a ticket office for directions, and if i could leave my backpack there. She looked at my luggage, asked whereever i came from, and upon my reply shouted out 'impossible! And you're here in Saladas! Come in and have mate, you need to tell me all about your life!' That ... read more

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes February 15th 2009

We had an uneventful 10 hour trip from Iguazu to Corrientes yesterday (We did see some rheas which are like ostriches and endangered...) ...except for noticing for the first time that the guide book explained that Corrientes has one of the biggest Carnavals in Argentina...and that this weekend was during Carnaval....and that hundreds of thousands of people attend.... We did not have a reservation and you can the total number of hotels in town on your fingers.... Well, we found a room in the worst hotel in town...across from the bus station. It was strange place...charged extra for air con...pretty low on any frills...but clean and actually pretty quiet. Since we didn´t use the air con at night (it was one of the jet engine types) they gave us free breakfast...(coffee and a few rolls). We ... read more
Cattle Ranches on the way to Corrientes
Storm seen from the bus

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes July 20th 2008

Søndag den 20 juli: Corientes Ingen medialunas til morgenmad. Opmagisinerer vores bageage og tager en taxa til Corientes. Der er ? km og koster 50 pesos. Heste går langs vejsiden og græsser mellem plasticposer og skrammel. Forbavsende mange er ikke tøjrede. Det er siesta tid. Vi sidder ved flodbredden sammen med de andre Corientere. Der fiskes og drikkes mate. Inger ringer til sin kollega Susanne, hvis søn netop er kommet hjem efter 1 års udveksling i Corientes. Går ind på et Conditori vi får kager Cafe cubana, brazil mv. mens vi sidder og hygger os slukkes lyses og 2 mavedansere hvirvler rund mellem bordene med krumsabler balancerende på hovedet. Det sker 2 gange mens vi er der. Vi tager en taxa tilbage. Det er aften og hele byen ser ud til at have sat henanden i ... read more

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes December 30th 2007

The overnight trip from Corrientes turned out to be even longer than planned. The rain started about an hour after we left Salta and was torrential at times, when you woke up in the night you could hear it hammering on the bus roof and the swishing of the wheels. Awoke in the morning to see a very green and lush landscape - with lots of water. Arrived in Corrientes a couple of hours late but by the time we had checked into our hotel and had showers we felt re-humanised. It doesn´t seem that many European tourists come this way but the city has got some really nice early 20th century buidings and a scenic river front. We did the usual which included walking to find the cinema (the usual horror movies are still on), ... read more
Corrientes - mural
"I don´t think you wanted to do that"
San Ignacio Mini - at the church doorway

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