Andrew Walsh


Andrew Walsh

Its a long long road...

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh May 12th 2011

Its 10 Am and myself and Paul are on a bit of a foolish errand, wandering around Phnom Penh looking to buy some watermelons. Why do we need watermelons do you ask? Is it for the ample amounts of vitamin C contained therein? No, we want to blow some up, with machine guns and hopefully a rocket launcher. Walk around Bangkok as a tourist and you will have dozens of touts approach and offer you a trip to a ping pong show. In Phnom Penh the touts favorite line is “ You want shooting gun?” or "You like ak47" and most famously "want to go shoot a cow?" Any conversation about travelling around Cambodia will eventually come to the subject of the shooting ranges and specifically the old urban legend of shooting cows with rocket launchers. ... read more
Before our first shoot
Biggs with an m16 fitted with m203
Is that Famas functional?

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh May 8th 2011

The sign for the supermarket prohibits the unaccompanied children, animals and hand grenades.. Safe in the knowledge that my fellow shopper arent in possession of any anti personnel pineapples and i'm off to grab some "welcome to Cambodia" beers to crack open when paul arrives...its the height of bad form not to have welcome brews when a buddy flies into visit you on trip. Biggs, as Paul is also known is due in at noon and its ten o clock, plenty of time for me to get the bottles home and cool for his arrival. I've known biggs since I was 8 years old in Primary school and his visit has been much anticipated. Paul lives in Hong Kong as of some years ago and the privilege it is to spend time with him is something ... read more
The Grand Palace
The school that became a torture chamber

Asia » Cambodia » North » Battambang May 8th 2011

After 4 days in Siem Reip its time to move, I'm meeting my buddy paul in about a week in the capital and prior to that myself and Niamh decided to head to one other location prior to making our way to Phnom Penh. Sihanoukville is the happening place to go. Ash texted me saying that its a hopping place full of bars and beaches. Shinouville is also a great spot for diving and being freshly qualified I'm raring to go. Unfortunately its big hike and since Paul is here in a a few days sitting in a Cambodian bus for 11 hours listening to Khmer karaoke at full volume on the buses tv screen is just to horrific to contemplate. As a result we have compromised and headed to Battambang, its only 3 hours away ... read more
Its not the Luas...
Niamh gets a new Chariot
Bamboo train dismantled

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor May 6th 2011

Day 2 was a little different, morning time we decided to visit Bantrey Sei, a temple located a fair distance out from the others but it is allegedly one of the best preserved. On the way back we combined the trip to Bantrey with a trip to the landmine museum which is only just down the road. As this is a fair hike out in a tuk tuk, we throw Cameron a some extra dollars and off we go. This side of Siem Reip is very different from the route to the floating village. The houses here are much more better constructed, some of them resembling villas or small farm houses. Rice farming is the game here and the paddies line each side of the road and populated with the occasional water buffalo, its scene ... read more
Bantrey Sei
Leaving the temples
Lost track of which temple this was!

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap May 3rd 2011

My ears drums are sore from the constant honking of the minibus horn when we bounce into Siem Riep and are deposited in the bus station, which is more akin with to a school bike shed. Once off the bus we are left at the mercy of a horde of tuk tuk drivers harking for business. Siem Reip is the ideal base for visiting the temples of Angkor, a series of massive stone temples of the Angkorian empire that were built between 600 and 800 AD, located in the jungle a stone throw from the town. The best way to go about doing that is hiring a tuk tuk, something we are reluctant to do since Thailand where the greedy gits think of nothing of overcharging you or bringing you everywhere you don't want to ... read more
Niamh and the lion
Monks at Anchor
Up close

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Aranya Prathet April 27th 2011

Our thailand visa is burning at both ends so unfortunatly I have to leave Ko Thao and make our way back to Bangkok, the city I love and hate with equal measure if that makes any sense, and get on our way to Cambodia. Our departure is made doubly difficult as the songran or as I can it Apocalypse waterfight is still going strong for several days on the mainland. While its great fun when you have a few beers down the neck its not quite as much fun when you have to navigate crowds of people drenching each other with a daypack across your chest and a rucksack on your back. Thankfully, I have a pretty girlfriend who is a far more inviting target to throw water at then me. Only about one in ten ... read more
Pack on the gear!

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao April 26th 2011

EDIT: Photos on this entry should actually be on the following blog I have yet to publish, too late to change it as finding a computer thats agreeable to my cart reader is quite a mission. Photos will obviously make more sense next entry... The Thai New year is held on the 13th of April and is known as Sonkran. On Sonkran, buddas are bathed in water and monks bless the younger thais by pouring water over their heads. What also happens though is that the thais let off steam and kill of any tension built up during the year by having a countrywide waterfight, yep you heard it, for the entire Sonkran festival the entire populance tools up with buckets of water and supersoakers and sets about drenching everyone they see. If anyone remembers when ... read more
The beach in Chumporn

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao April 17th 2011

Ash and Denise have departed the national park and on their way to Bangkok,so myself and niamh, not quite willing to return yet to the city ping pong balls coming from unusual places, have decided to head a different direction to the island of Ko Tao, thailands diving mecca and probably the cheapest place to learn how to scuba dive...Shazam! The best way to get to Ko Tao is via sleeper ferry from Suratani, a town about 2 hours north of khao Sok. Suratani is still waterlogged due to the floods some weeks back and even miles from the coast locals are traversing what were once dirt roads on rubber dingy's and you could nearly walk across the bits and peices of swept away houses on either side of the road as if they were stepping ... read more
All aboard the nightboat!
Fully Tanked!
Myself joe about to do our buddy checks!

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP April 17th 2011

Note: No pictures because Thailand computer part doesnt work...will try to fix it! Thats enough of the beach life...Ko Lanta has been kind so we have decided to rough it again and get back to nature. Ash has told us about Khao Sok national park which is only a few hours drive away. The rainforest contained therin is supposedly similair to the way it was 160 million years ago. Yes folks, thats when the dinosaurs were knocking around. While there are unfortunatly no dinosaurs there at present, there are plenty of other creatures that are capable of eating you like Bears and Tigers. Deciding the break things up a bit, we jumped on an air conditioned van to Krabi, where we would lay up for the night and purchase essentials, which entailed walking shoes and ... read more
View from our jungle hut
The limestone forest
The floating village

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta April 5th 2011

"I'm horny, Horny Horny, Horny Horny Myself and Niamh hear the static beat over the ipod coming from behind us and see a five foot nothing Thai boxer, wearing his distinctive fighting briefs powering rocky style up the beach, his mohawk maybe cut on either side with a mach 3 blade, but god help anyone who takes the piss out of his taste in music! its sunset in Ko Lanta and the sunset is simply out of this world, all the druggy heads are all out doing the lotus position watching it on the sand while myself and the others are necking an evening Chang and soaking it all in, Thailand is starting to redeem itself, once I can find a punter in Bangkok who can fix the laptop! We have changed lodgings, our new hut ... read more
Enjoying the sunset
Our hut and Elmo
The foothills

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