Helen Williams


Helen Williams

Taith Helen a nick o gwmpas y byd am 6 mis
Nick and Helen's journey around the world for 6 months

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1st Flight-Lima via Madrid

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane January 15th 2010

Wel wel hogia, da ni ar ei hol hi'n ofnadwy hefo'r blog eto. Ma hi'n rhy braf a drud i fod ar y we, dyna di'r broblem! A'r ffaith fod ni'n ddiog ofnadwy te! Cyrhaeddom ni yn Sydney mewn pryd ar gyfer y Nadolig. Roeddem yn aros gyda Naomi yn Sydney (hen ffrind nick o'r ysgol) ac wedi gwario diwrnod Dolig ei hun yn Manly, hefo Tom a zee.(tom, brawd nick a'r gariad) Rhyfedd iawn cael diwrnod dolig cynnes, yn enwedig wrth fod yna gymaint o eira adref! Diolch i Zee mi gafom ni te dolig call, oen hefo garlleg arno. yum yum! Doedd hi ddim yn ddiwrnod heulog ond mi oedd na dal lawer o pobl ar y lan y mor yn Manly! Noson calan roedd hi'n anodd penderfynnu lle fasa'r lle gorau i weld ... read more
tan gwyllt
criw NYE
mask ned kelly

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Fox Glacier November 25th 2009

Helo pawb, Da ni heb ychwanegu blog ers sbel felly oeddwn i'n meddwl fod hi'n bryd i ni wneud! Ers y blog dwytha da ni wedi gadael De America. Cyn gadael mi oeddan ni ym Mhorth Madryn, Patagonia, a wedi mynechu'r Eisteddfod yn Nhrelew. Roedd hi'n 'save the best til last' fel sa'r sais yn i ddeud, oherwydd ym Mhatagonia gafodd y ddau ohona ni yr amser gora yn Ne America. Ym Mhorth Madryn mi oedd na lawer o yfad, (sori mam) lawer o hwyl i'w gael a llawer o anifeiliad gwyllt i'w weld. Er y diffyg cwsg ar ein noson dwytha ym Madryn (awr o gwsg i fi a dim i Nick) mi oedda ni wedi mynd ar drip i nofio gyda'r 'sea-lions.' Mi oedda nhw fel cwn bach oedd yn licio chwarae hefo'r pobl ... read more

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Corrientes October 19th 2009

Wel bois bach, ma hi di bod yn gyfnod sbel ers i mi gyfrannu at y blog! Dwi fel arfer wrthi´n sortio lle da ni´n mynd, lle da ni´n aros a.y.y.b. Ond ar ol 5 wythnos o fod y person ´sortio´ petha, penderfynnais fod hi´n twrn Nick! Ar ol Iguazu mi oedd gennym 4-5 diwrnod yn rhydd cyn gorfod dal y bws i Puerto Madryn o Buenos Aires. Da ni di gweld bob dim oeddan ni eisiau gweld yn y lle a mae´r pobl yn afiach o snoblyd ac anghwrtais, felly doeddan ni ddim ffansi gwario gormod o amser yn y lle! Awgrymodd y hostel ein bod ni yn mynd i Mercedes a gwneud trip o fana i Ibera National Park. Oedd na bws yn gadael 10y.h a cyrraedd Mercedes tua 7 y.b. Trip hawdd. Trip ... read more
On the lake

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park October 15th 2009

Well hello again friends, family and bloggers, this week we have been to Iguazu Falls and Ibera Nature Resereve in the heart of Gaucho country (a Gaucho is a S American cowboy). Hels wanted to do it as 2 sepereate blogs so I´m gonna tell you about Iguazu, and later she´ll publish another blog about the nature reserve. So last Tuesday we got the 18 bus ride to Puerto Iguazu from Buenos Aries on an Argentinian cama bus, now without taking anything away from Peruvian cama buses, which are extremely comfy, cama in argentina is pure luxury. A wide seat that reclines so your almost horizontal, acres of leg room and an attendant that brings you food and drink by the bucketload, so much food I actually stuffed what I could in my bag when I´d ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires October 13th 2009

Waiting for yet another night bus so here's the story so far for Argentina. After a lovely night sleeping like babies in first class we arrived the border town of Villazon around 7am. After what they told us was a qiuck walk over the border (more like an hours walk) we arrived La Quica. La Quica is a typical S American border town, lots of tourists and lots of people out to fleece the tourists. For the first hour we chased around trying to find a bank to pay for the bus outta there cause some genuis guy we met crossing the border told us "don't change ur money at this place, they'll charge a fortune" Tosser! If you read this Adrian, sorry mate. In all honesty he was pretty sound, but that pissed me off. ... read more
Posh place where we had dinner
Our room in Buenos Aires
Nick on our patio

South America October 7th 2009

Hello again, I write this entry simply to kill time before the train so apologies if its a bit crap, I expect it will be. last time we were just leaving Cusco and heading to Puno, so that seems like a logical place to start. Night bus was not too bad, pretty much as good as any other night bus we´ve caught. Caught so many now I´ve lost count. Got to Puno around 7 am last Thursday, checked into our hostel, El Lago, and slept for a few hours. Woke up around lunchtime, spoke to the very helpful lady behind the desk and booked a tour for the next day around Lake Titikaka. We just went for the half day trip which was to Uros Island. Cheaper and quicker so we thought it was prob the ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco October 1st 2009

Hello again people. We´ve had ourselves another busy week, so here comes the story. Arrived Cusco last Tuesday, didn´t do a great deal then except wander round town, few beers and get settled. Cusco is an absoloutely beautiful city by the way. Wednesday we decided to book ourselves into the City Tour, in truth, it was not a city tour, but more like a religious tour, church after cathedral after holy temple-all very beautiful, but there only so many churches I can look at in one day and remain interested, this went on for 6 hours. My God, if there had been a cliff edge nearby I think I would have thrown myself off. Definately more your thing than mine mum. We did visit some Ince ruins later in the day, at Picha Puccara, Saqsaywaman, Tambomachay ... read more
horrible steps going up to our hostel
view from ollantaytambo

South America September 22nd 2009

Hello Bloggers, gonna try keep this one short n sweet, we´ve done so much it would just take too long to go into detail. I think last time we were just about to leave Pisco, from the we went and stayed 2 nights in a beatiful oasis called Huacachina. Very hot and very sandy, but not the party town that we had been lead to belive, it was like a ghost town after about 9pm, or if there was a party we could´nt find it. We didn´t really mind anyway cause we did so much during the day we were quite happy to have a few beers n collapse into bed. Sandbording/dunebuggying is truly amazing and every1 should try it... From there we went to Nazca for the Nazca lines tour, this involved going up in ... read more
Bones enjoying himself by the pool
hotel at Huacachina

South America » Peru » Ica » Pisco September 18th 2009

Wel, da ni wedi neud cymaint mewn cyn lleied o amser dwi´m yn gwybod le i ddechra! Dydd Llun aethom ni ar y bws i Paracas. Odd o yn ganol nunlla so mi oeddan ni´n dau mor falch o weld Marco! (fffrind Jose sy´n byw yn Pisco). Aethom ni tri mewn taxi i Pisco lle roedd Marco wedi bwcio ni mewn i hotel bach del. Ar ol gadael ein bagiau ni yn y hotel ymlaen i Milsy tours oedd hi i benderfynnu be oeddan ni eisiau i weld yn yr ardal ac ar ol pederfynnu hynny yn syth i´r bar a ni am ein Pisco Sour cyntaf! Rhyw fath o ´cocktail´ydi o. Er fod fi´n casau ´lime´ hyfryd o beth oedd o! Ymlaen hefo´r stori, dydd mawrth roedd rhaid codi yn fuan er mwyn mynd ar ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores September 14th 2009

Ar ol uffar o ddiwrnod hir yn trafeilio o Fethesda i Llundain da ni di cal uffar o ddiwrnod hyn yn oed hirach heddiw! Ddeffrish i 3 o gloch y bore a ma hi tua huna rwan a dwi heb cysgu eto! Gesh i chydig o tantrum yn Madrid achos oeddwn i methu cael hyd i tissues ond on i yn iawn wedyn. Nesh i ddim ystyried faint o hir oedd y flight o madrid i lima tan oedd raid i fi eistedd ar fy nhin am ddeuddeg awr. Rwbath sw ni di bod digon hapus yn neud sa gin i laptopt fi! Tydi keyboards De America ddim run fath a ni so fedrai ddim neud comma eto :-) Bron i fi ddechra crio yn disgwl am fy mag yn Lima. Bag Nick oedd un or ... read more

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