Ibera watch out!

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October 19th 2009
Published: October 21st 2009
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Wel bois bach, ma hi di bod yn gyfnod sbel ers i mi gyfrannu at y blog! Dwi fel arfer wrthi´n sortio lle da ni´n mynd, lle da ni´n aros a.y.y.b. Ond ar ol 5 wythnos o fod y person ´sortio´ petha, penderfynnais fod hi´n twrn Nick!

Ar ol Iguazu mi oedd gennym 4-5 diwrnod yn rhydd cyn gorfod dal y bws i Puerto Madryn o Buenos Aires. Da ni di gweld bob dim oeddan ni eisiau gweld yn y lle a mae´r pobl yn afiach o snoblyd ac anghwrtais, felly doeddan ni ddim ffansi gwario gormod o amser yn y lle! Awgrymodd y hostel ein bod ni yn mynd i Mercedes a gwneud trip o fana i Ibera National Park. Oedd na bws yn gadael 10y.h a cyrraedd Mercedes tua 7 y.b. Trip hawdd. Trip hawdd ddiawl! Cont clwyddog!

Yn y terminal bws doedd na ddim un o´r cwmniau yn mynd i Mercedes a mi ddudodd ddynes yn y swyddfa gwybodaeth fod raid ni gael bws 6 awr i Posada, wedyn bws 5 awr syth i Mercedes. Cont clwyddog arall!

10 y.b oeddan ni ar y bws i Posada. Cyrraedd Posada, dim bws i Mercedes! gorfod disgwl 3 awr a cael bws i Paso de los libres. Oedd y bws i fod i gyrraedd 10.45 y.h ond wrth fod y peth yn stopio bob cornel stryd i bigo fwy o pobl, grr! cyrhaeddom ni tua 12.15. Doedd Nick ddim eisiau gweld bws arall am y noson ac on i di blino, felly aros mewn hotel dros ffordd wnaethom ni. Bora wedyn oedd rhaid disgwl 4 awr rhwng ´check-out´ac y bws i mercedes. oeddan ni di cyrraedd mercedes (o´r diwadd!) erbyn tua 4 y.h ond doedd nunlle yn gorad wrth fod hi´n dydd sul felly biscuits a crackers oedd i de a gorfod disgwl tan bore wedyn i gal rhywun oedd yn deall Saesned i siarad hefo ni am sut i fynd i Ibera. O ia, bron i fi anghofio, wrth gerddad i´r hostel yn Mercedes wnaeth Nick faglu dros y palmant wrth gario ei fag gwirion trwm a troi i droed, felly bandage´´ gan nyrs helen wrth fod i ffer wedi chwyddo fel balwn! Cradur bach!

Bora wedyn mi ffeindiodd ni fod raid cal bys arall 3 awr i carlos pelligrini ac aros noson yna. Roedd hi´n fora llun ac roedd rhaid cael bws nos dydd mawrth ar y hwyraf i ddal y bys i Puerto Madryn! Hawdd oedd dod nol mewn amser yn ol y ddynas, ond ar ol y malu cachu a clwydda i gyd oedda ni i´w choelio hi? Mi oedd troed nick dal yn giami felly doedda ni methu gwneud y ´walk tour´i weld y mwnciod (gutted) ond sa ni dal i medru fynd ar cwch. Ar ol y holl drafferth sa hi´n biti peidio mynd, felly i siansio hi natha ni.

Yn y hostel roedd na ddyn hen o´r iseldiroedd yn dod hefo ni. Csaba oedd i enw a roedd o´n coblyn o ges! oedd o yn ei saithdegau dwi´n siwr a fel éncyclopedia´hefoí ffeithiau i gyd. Wedi dod i´r Ariannin am dri mis.Felly ffwrdd a ni´n tri mewn bws mini am dair awr a cyrraedd yn llawn llwch oherywdd ´dirt road´oedd rhaid i gymryd i gyrraedd carlos pelligrini. Chwarae teg, roedd y hostel yn lylfi a roedd y tri ohona ni mewn ty bach ein hunain a pwll nofio tu allan a mi gafon ni ein bwydo´n dda!

Pnawn yna aethon ni ar y dwr a gweld nifer o adar lliwgar, LLWYTH o cayman (tebyg i crocodeil) a capibaras(on i wrth fy modd hefo hein ac isho dod ac un adref). diwrnod wedyn aethon ni ar y dwr eto i fynd ar yr afon tro yma, yn lle y llyn, wedyn gwario´r diwrnod yn y pwll nofio wrth ddisgwl am y bws yn ol i mercedes. Er yr holl drafferth odd y trip werth o, felly da iawn i Nick am sortio´r trip! Piti fod ni di methu allan ar weld y mwnciod a´r ´panther´ ond dwi´n falch o fod di bod ar y llyn, oedd machlud y haul werth ei weld!9 awr oedd y bws o mercedes i buenos aires a da ni´n gorfod disgwl 9 awr arall rwan tan y bws i puerto madryn.

Sori fod hwn yn hirwyntog braidd! nai stopio rwan, geith y lluniau ddeud y stori. A fel fod teulu nick yn gwynod, mae i ffer o dal di chwyddo ond mae o´n medru cerdded rwan yn iawn ar ol i ni fod yn chwarae o gwmpas yn a pwll, felly mae´r cradur yn gwella!

Cofion at bawb,

Hels a Nick

P.S, am rhyw reswm tydi´r wefan cau gweld y camera, felly alla i ddim rhoi lluniau eto, nai drio rhoi ar facebook yn y cyfamser, ma hwnnw yn gweithio!

Well people, its been ages since I contributed to the blog! I´m normally sorting out where we´re going, wehere we´re staying etc. After 5 weeks I decided I´d had enough of sorting everything and would hand over the reins to nick!

After Iguazu we had 4-5 days free before getting the bus to Puerto Madryn from Buenos Aires. We´ve seen everything we wanted to see there and the people are disgustingly snobby and rude so we didn´t wanna spend too much time there! The hostel suggested we get a bus to Mercedes and do a trip from there to Ibera National Park. There was a bus leacing 10pm and arriving Mercedes 7a.m. Easy trip. Easy trip my ass! Lying %$$*!

At the bus terminal there weren´t any companies going to Mercedes and the woman at the information office said we´d have to get a 6 hour bus to Posada, then a 5 hour bus to Mercedes. Another lying &%$$!

10 a.m we got on the bus to Posada. When we arrived, we found there were no buses to Mercedes! We had to wait 3 hours and then get a bus to Paso de los libres. The bus should´ve arrived 10.45, but becasue it stopped at every bloomin corner to pick up more passengers we didn´t arrive until about 12.15! Nick didn´t wanna see any more buses that night and I was tired, so we stayed in a hotel across the road for the night. Next morning we had to wait 4 hours between check-out and the bus to Mercedes. We arrived Mercedes (finally!) about 4pm. Nowhere was open because it was a sunday so it was biscuits and crackers for tea and we had to wait until the next morning to speak to someone who spoke english about the trip we wanted to do. I almost forgot, on the walk to the hostel Nick tripped over a pavement and twisted his ankle, so nurse Helen had to bandage his ankle cos it was swollen like a ballon! Poor bugger!

Next morning we were told we´d have to get ANOTHER bys for 3 hours to Carlos Pelligrini and stay the night there. It was Monday morning and we needed to get a night bus back to Buenos Aires Tuesday night at the latest! The woman said we´d be back in time, but after all the bullshit were we to believe her? Nick´s anhle was still bad so we couldn´t do the walking tour and see the monkeys (gutted!) but we could sitll go on the boat. After all the hassle it´d be a shame not to go, so we decided to chance it.

At the hostel there was an older man from Holland who was coming with us. Csaba was his name and he was a hell of a laugh! He was probably in his seventies and he was like an encyclopedia with all his facts. He´d come to Argentina for a 3 month trip. So off we all went in a mini bus for 3 hours and arrived all dusty because we´d been driving along a dirt road to get there. Fair play, the hostel was lovely and the 3 of us were put in a little house and we had a swimming pool outside and were fed well!

That afternoon we went on the lake and saw loads of colourful birds, cayman´s and capibaras (I wanted to take one home!) Next day we went on the river instead and saw even more caymans, and spent the afternoon in the pool waiting for the bus back to Mercedes. Despite all the hassle the trip was well worth it, so well done Nick for organising it! Shame we couldn´t see the monkeys and the panther on the walking tour though, but the lake was beautiful, especially at sunset! We had a 9 hour bus from Mercedes to Buenos Aires and have to wait another 9 hours for our bus to Puerto Madryn.

Sorry this has been longwinded! I´ll stop now and the photos can do the talking! And just so you know, Nick´s ankle is still swollen but he can at least walk now without hobbling or needing a bandage. The afternoon in the pool seemed to sort it out. He´s just got sunburn to deal with now because he wouldn´t listen when he was told to put cream on!

Love to everyone

Helen & Nick

P.S.for some reason this wbsite cant pickup my camera here so I can´t upload the photos. I´ll try again some other time and use facebook for now, that works!

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