Blogs from Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico, North America


North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic March 6th 2023

After 2 winters spent on Vancouver Island, we opted for a more benign climate and boy, did we find it! Ajijic is 5 000’ above sea level, moderating the heat of central Mexico. Winter is dry season, so sunny every day with temps in the mid 20s and cooler nights. Our friends Brian & Vivienne were a great help. They have wintered here for the past 7 years & know the ropes. They scouted out our accommodation & purchased used e bikes on our behalf. With no car, we found our bikes and local buses got us around very well. We made a number of new friends. Barry & Maxine drove us to Interesting sights and restaurants that we would never have found ourselves. Through Pickleball we befriended Trish & Ralph & enjoyed their company. On ... read more
Calle de Lago 19
Our villa

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic June 2nd 2019

Our drive back to Lake Chapala from Sayulita was made a bit more interesting by not one, but two overturned mango trucks. They pack those little trucks to the gills and they pack them high. Imagine how much ONE milk crate of mangoes must weigh. Multiply that by HUNDREDS. One of the crashes had already cleared except for the thousands of mangoes littering the side of the road. People, especially on easy to stop motorcycles, were helping themselves to the delicious free fruit. We got stuck in the second one, but luckily only for about a half hour, when the police starting one way traffic around the crash site. Again, plenty of free mangoes for the taking. Did Rose stop and let me grab even one? Nope.... read more
After just sitting parked for a half hour, one way traffic started to move.

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic April 28th 2019

AGAIN, we had planned to go to the Peacock Garden in Ajijic, but we changed our minds. Wow, am I GLAD WE DID! On the way to pick up our friends, we notice La Cima (The Top) Restaurant way up on a hill. We looked at reviews and decided that the views would be worth the added expense. It took us several minutes driving time down "La Carretera." On arrival, we were concerned that the Honda Fit we were driving would not make it up the hill with four of us, but no problem. We were among the first arrivals at the 1:00 pm opening time. Since our friend, George was departing in a couple of days, we decided to party down. We started with a Modelo, two margaritas, and a Coke Light for our designated ... read more
George and Karmen Reid

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic April 27th 2019

Part of the deal to bribe Rose to come down here was that we would do at least one meal a day out. It has not quite worked out that way, but I am doing my best. Today, we were headed out to El Mirador, a restaurant that is east of our location by roughly 12 KM, but on the way down the hill we changed our mind and decided to go to La Letra CH (pronounced CHE). We have heard it might be a bit on the pricey side, but we still wanted to give it a shot. I have to tell you, for the value and quality of the food we got, it was not a bit pricey. Each meal comes with an "entrada" and a new word I can't remember (guarnicion) that means ... read more
Front View Letra CH
Say hi to the folks, Rose.

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic April 26th 2019

So, I had to come to MEXICO to have some of the best Italian food I have even eaten? Now this place does not look like much from the outside, but it is what is inside that counts. We started with a couple of glasses of red wine and a bruschetta appetizer. We were told by friends to ask for it on pizza dough, but I am a hard-headed traditionalist, so we got it like it comes. OH MY GOD! Large chunks of bread piled high with goodies. We stuffed ourselves on that before our food came. One order is enough for like six people. I have never seen anything even remotely resembling this in the US. We followed up with a three combination pasta and lasagna dish, again, way too much food, so we decided ... read more
Street View
La Entrada

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic April 25th 2019

Birria - it has nothing to do with beer. But it does have a nice ring to it: BEERRRR ee ya. Trill those R's. Birria is a sort of stewy dish made traditionally from goat. We have a strong suspicion that those gringos who turn up their noses at the very mention of it: (A) have never tried it, AND (B) do so simply because of the idea of eating a trash-consuming goat. Well to that, I say 'baaaaaaaaa." We got an invitation from our friends, the Reids, who we will be replacing at a house sit in Jocotepec. They have their own bolg So off we go walking to El Tartamudo Birria Restaurant. Mexicans are fond of nicknames (sobrenombres). If you are fat or skinny, you will be called Flaco or Gordo, and it ... read more
Interior of the Birria Place
Lame Attempt at a Selfie (Missed Myself Completely)
Why We Came

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic April 25th 2019

Before our homeowner left, she asked if we did not mind if the housekeeper's kids came over and swam in the pool. Well, we are not exactly pool people, so we were happy to have the guests and give the piscina some exercise. We were sort of expecting six to eight years old but what we got was a herd of teenage boys, very, very active teenage boys. When the mom and dad showed up on Easter Sunday, they introduced us to their very polite sons and nephew who had brought along a few friends. Not sure how many we had, but it was enough to give the pool PLENTY of exercise. I let them use my waterproof camera to take underwater pics and they had a lot of fun with that.... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic April 22nd 2019

The tianguis is an open air market where you can find just about anything. They have one on Monday in Chapala. They are also in Ajijic and Jocotepec on different days. It is located right across from the Soriana parking lot and you can park there to go to the tianguis. To be honest, I was expecting a lot more gringos than we saw, but there were a few. Rose got herself a couple of pairs of earrings so she does not have to wear her expensive (I know - I bought them) ones everywhere. We also got a 1/2 kilo each of strawberries and blackberries, both of which are grown locally. We picked up one avocado and I got a bunch of glazed nuts in three varieties. You can find pretty much anything here. Clothing, ... read more
Yep, that way
Tianguis entry
Lots of fruits and veggies

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic April 21st 2019

One of our duties at our first house sit is actually optional. The homeowner told us we could either continue feeding the hummingbirds or let them find their own food amongst the thousands of flowers surrounding the house. We had hummers at our house in Alpine, CA and we loved watching their antics, so we decided to continue making the recipe (boil four cups water and add one cup sugar). We put out two feeders each morning and they are literally mobbed by the hungry little hummers. The most we have counted is between eight and a dozen (they are hard to count when flitting around). Each feeder takes about half a regular sized Mason jar, so two feeders = one Mason jar each day. We make about four jars of the juice per session.... read more
The Lineup
Coming in for Landing on Runway One
Make a Hole!

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Ajijic April 21st 2019

I think we both had a case of cabin fever. We have been couped up for a couple of days avoiding the crowds of Tapatios (people from Guadalajara). We like to be out and about, and my plan for this trip was to eat at least one meal out per day. That is mainly to keep Rose happy and to prevent a mutiny. We had invited the cleaning gal and her family to use the pool today, and after they got in and expressed their exuberation, (I think we had like 6 or 7 teenage boys here) we thought it might be a good time to go down the hill and get some food. Man, would I like to have some of those kid's energy! So, we made our third trip to Tony's Campestre. First trip ... read more
Food Service
Rib Eye
El Bar

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