Blogs from Los Barriles, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America


North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Los Barriles January 30th 2020

Okay week two in Mexico, we are still in Baja California and I am writing this in Los Barriles on the Eastern Cape. After the previous day's trip to swim with the Whale Sharks we booked a boat trip from a beach south of La Paz across to an island called Espiritu Santo. We were meant to be leaving at 11.30 with a group of 4 Canadians. The boat was going to be a bit late but at 12.30 we bailed out and got our money back. It was disappointing but we chilled on the beach had a beer and some food. At least it wasn’t one of our wildlife trips. On our return to La Paz we picked up our clean clothes. I have said this before it is one of the luxuries of travel ... read more

Wanna go see the Mobula jump? What a silly question. Of course I do. Nothing is more amusing than watching thousands of rays the size of dinner plates hurl themselves out of the sea for a cartwheel and a splat. It's unknown why they do this but several theories abound. Some believe it is some kind of mating ritual. He who smacks the water the loudest gets the most Mobula action? Theory number two, it's a tactic used to scare the shit out of their food. Thirdly, it's to rid themselves of parasites that don't appreciate aerobatic maneuvers. Fourthly, they are trying to outsmart their natural predators. And lastly, they do it for the sheer pleasure of it. I'm going to go with that one.. I swear the Mobula splash down with a sheer glee. Do ... read more
Mexico - Both Dangerous and Beautiful
Too Cool for School
Another Tequila sunset

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Los Barriles October 31st 2016

So, having eaten some very odd meals to use up the items in the fridge that couldn’t go through to Mexico; thrown out anything that potentially could be illegal to take over the border (details of acceptable food stuffs etc. were a bit variable); purchased spares for anything we thought could go wrong on the Rig; bought the maps and books required to make life easier; plotted our first few stops; photocopied all the required documents; filled with fuel and bought some Pesos................. we set off for the border. We followed the road signs to Mexico. Oddly the Sat Nav appeared to be giving instructions to stay. We had bought it in Florida, perhaps it was pre-programmed to stay in the States? Take the next exit, it said. As we passed the exit it instructed us ... read more
Another busy day
On The Road to Mexico .......
More a fence than a wall.

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Los Barriles January 29th 2016

A great trips from La Paz through the hills one more time, ( Out Turbo) does not like the dirty Mexican fuel and the climbing, injector pump says maybe I will just take a break, but Neil says NOWAY Baby I will change your seals! Puente El Trunfo a small town with the magical touch of museums. High above passing through the over look of San Antonio Mexico. On the beach at Los Barrilos so beautiful will stay for a few days. Today went to Bajoda de la mesa, Santa Cruez, Punta Colorado and La Trinidad. Today Sunday January 31st, took a road trip to Los Cabos, crossed the line Tropic de cancer, and visited a lot of small towns. San Frantisco well arranged small city 10 kms off the hwy, Laguna of wildlife, waterfalls and ... read more
Out side church

I have so few comments anymore that I wonder if it is all too boring or if, possibly no one is getting the blogs?? In any case, things are going well here. We have had days of calm winds followed by days of almost gale force winds! On the calm days, I go kayaking and on the windy days I find stuff to do here or just somehow waste the day away! I have had 2 great days of whale watching! What a thrill! We decided to put in a bathroom here! This is a huge thing for us as we said that we would not ever do it. But knowing that we were just "borrowing trouble" with the RV toilet and the connected "black" tank (aka the poop hole), we opted to put in our ... read more
The inside wall of shower
Radio cord....sort of!

Yes, we are still alive and kicking here in BCS. I have even had some inquiries from folks wondering if we were OK since I have been lazy about getting a blog out! I certainly have no excuse about being too busy as I find myself pondering how the day has once again slipped away without accomplishing a damn thing! Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days I teach Spanish here to some residents in the park. That takes about an hour of my time. Then after that some of my 'students' hang around to chat. By then it is noon. Then someone else may stop by for a visit--Rogelio is almost a constant! So there is another hour gone........And so it goes.... Wind has been a major pain in the *&^! But it is warm so ... read more
Sue and I enjoy a Margarita!

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Los Barriles February 20th 2011

Where has the time gone?? Perhaps with the wind? We had a load of wind the first couple weeks of February. Everyone except the kiters were going stir crazy as there is not much to do when all there is is wind and dust. I spent some time painting the inside of the RV covering up the ugly panel with a creamy buttery color. Am still not done but that is ok. January 31 was the day a group of us took a quad ride up to a small ranching village to El Coro. I would guess the population to be around 15-20! However, there are a lot of ranches as we climbed higher into the mountains. Loads of dust but it was fun. I had gone up there before with some friends but in a ... read more
Quads Line up
Mavis and I

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Los Barriles January 17th 2011

Saludos a mis amigos y miembros de mi familia! We had a little drama in the park today. Mike went down for a little swim and as he was coming out, he thought he had stepped on something and cut his foot. It was bleeding pretty badly and he was in agonizing pain. Fortunately our neighbor is an EMT and knows a lot about beach injuries so he said, soak in HOT, as hot as Mike could stand, HOT water. Then considering all of his health problems, we decided to go to the clinic here and just be on the safe side. We got in to see the doctor immediately and he took the same approach to treat--with hot water. I have learned now that the hot water neutralizes the venom from the barb. The pain ... read more
Pretty color!???
He survives yet another battle!

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Los Barriles January 15th 2011

First, Happy Birthday to my sister, Maureen! Hope it was a good one!!!! The last few days here have seen big doings w/ the big Lord of the Wind Showdown which has attracted a few kiters. I can't really say that it has brought in a lot of extra folks but for a first year event, it has been kind of fun. The only bad thing is that they have blocked most of the beach from quads and other traffic. We watched a few of the competitions, but I am just not that interested in it. Certainly the wind has held up VERY well for the activities. We only hope that it does not get to be TOO big of an event. We try hard to keep our paradise a secret but many are finding it. ... read more
Band at the Beach Party
Kiters love the wind
Space made for the new pantry

Happy New Year......We are still thriving here, got over the holidays and are enjoying the wind---NOT!!! It has been very windy but we really cannot complain considering the weather have seen on the news in Michigan and in the Eastern part of the states. We have not done a whole lot since the New Year. Mike and I did go to Cabo San Lucas on Wednesday and bought a "real" refrigerator--one that is frost free! We first went to a Mexican store and checked out prices, then decided to look at Home Depot---a huge joke, much like it is at home. We see a refrigerator that we are interested in but there is no price. I am not in the mood to play "let's find the price" game. Of course, Mike asks the guy who replies ... read more
New Bedspreads
The NEW frost free refrigerator!

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