This, that and other stuff

Published: January 8th 2011
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Bodega AurerraBodega AurerraBodega Aurerra

Great bargains!
Happy New Year......We are still thriving here, got over the holidays and are enjoying the wind---NOT!!! It has been very windy but we really cannot complain considering the weather have seen on the news in Michigan and in the Eastern part of the states.

We have not done a whole lot since the New Year. Mike and I did go to Cabo San Lucas on Wednesday and bought a "real" refrigerator--one that is frost free! We first went to a Mexican store and checked out prices, then decided to look at Home Depot---a huge joke, much like it is at home. We see a refrigerator that we are interested in but there is no price. I am not in the mood to play "let's find the price" game. Of course, Mike asks the guy who replies that he is not sure of the price but it might be just a little more than the refrigerator next to it. He really has no clue about how to find the price. I basically lose it and leave to go look at concrete paint, but NO, they do not have any except in pearl grey color. What the hell?????

So off we
New BedspreadsNew BedspreadsNew Bedspreads

yeah, yeah...the cords, the shoes.....but so little space!
go to Wal-Mart. Believe it or not, they were killing themselves to find us the right refrigerator, get it out and loaded on to our vehicle. So we go about our shopping then go to check out. None of our credit cards will clear because apparently, the cashier entered the numbers incorrectly so the cards were immediately hot carded! Thankfully our one card worked. What a fiasco. When that happens here, almost the whole management team comes over to see what is going on! But we completed the transaction and they helped us load the fridge on and we were on our way home.

Then Thursday I went to La Paz with a couple of gals in search of fabric and segunda treasures. However we found this new store called Bodega Aurera which is like an "outlet" store in that it has stuff from Wal-Mart and Target! Great prices too. We spent an hour or so in there then hit the fabric stores. I am still shocked at how cheap fabric is! I bought some to make bed spreads for my "guest" room--sorry, twin beds! But for less that $35!!!! Really pretty stuff. I will need to go back and bring some home.

Thursday was also King's Day, or Epiphany so the tradition on 6 January it to buy the Rosca de Reyes which is a sweet bread. It is fashioned into a circle and inside the dough are two small icons---one is a King and the other is the baby Jesus. The tradition of placing a trinket (figurine of the Christ Child) in the cake is very old. The baby Jesus, when hidden in the bread, represents the flight of Jesus, fleeing from King Herod's evil plan to kill all babies that could be the prophesied messiah. Whoever finds the baby Jesus figurine is blessed and must take the figurine to the nearest church on February 2, Candlemas Day (Día de la Candelaria). In the Mexican culture, this person also has to throw a party and provide tamales and atole to the guests. I had bought some bread and went out to share it with residents and workers in the park and they were thrilled. The only bad thing is that my buddy, Rogelio, was not around and did not get any so I heard NOTHING but "Poor Rogelio, your friend who is always here for you,

This is one of the park dogs. He comes in and gets the pillows just "so" and then I throw a blankie on her!!! She is happy!
is the only one who didn't get the Rosca!"

That pretty much sums up our latest news from AS THE PALAPA TURNS!

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Rosca De ReyesRosca De Reyes
Rosca De Reyes

Bread served on 3 Kings Day

8th January 2011

Kath - I love the bedspreads - nice and bright!

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