Still enjoying.....

Published: March 12th 2011
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Yes, we are still alive and kicking here in BCS. I have even had some inquiries from folks wondering if we were OK since I have been lazy about getting a blog out! I certainly have no excuse about being too busy as I find myself pondering how the day has once again slipped away without accomplishing a damn thing! Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days I teach Spanish here to some residents in the park. That takes about an hour of my time. Then after that some of my 'students' hang around to chat. By then it is noon. Then someone else may stop by for a visit--Rogelio is almost a constant! So there is another hour gone........And so it goes....

Wind has been a major pain in the *&^! But it is warm so no whining there. I know that it has been on hell of a winter back home. I am sorry about that but am still glad to be here and not there.

The weekend of the 25th to 27th of February brought lots of people into the area to kick off the first the Probaja Desert Series 2011. The town was buzzing with people, cars motorcycles as the teams prepared for the race on Saturday.The start and finish line for the races was set up in front of the Palmas de Cortez Hotel which is just down the beach from us. The event started off on Friday afternoon with sign up for the racers and a show of the hot rods. On Saturday the first to race were the motorcycles from 10:30am in the morning, followed by trophy trucks at midday. The organizers stretched out the starting times for the different categories over the whole day to give everyone ample time to get ready and not get in each otherĀ“s way on route while fighting for the first price in a total of 15 categories and 111 teams/drivers participating. The route is about 280 kilometers long. Along with a few other residents of the park, we set out to watch the event in the arroyo where the route came to the end. I was amazed at the speed of these vehicles AND how close the spectators were willing to go to see the racers up close and personal! As for me, I was happy to stay behind the concrete posts under the viaduct! The race was a welcome event bringing new business to town.

Sue and Art were here for a week and enjoyed their stay here. So much so, that they may winter here next year! I am still waiting for their guest blog too.....hint, hint

I have been to the segundas (second hand stores) a couple of times but no big bargains for me this year. I have enough "stuff" and it all needs to be stored when we leave so I am being "good".

We are also putting in a "real" bathroom behind the RV, next to the wall. I am sure that it will not be done by the time we leave but we know that!! LOL. We realize that with time, the RV toilet will give us trouble down the road so we decided to bite the bullet. It will be a very simple but functional bathroom! Our new addition will move our 2 star status to a 3! Wooooooowhooooo!!!!

We survived the threat of the tsunami too. We saw no big waves at all although we did stay aware of it all day. And it was a PERFECT day for kayaking but I figured, better safe than sorry! Our thoughts and prayers are with the people in Japan. What a horrible disaster!

Before long we will be heading back home.............but we are looking forward to the next visit from Meghan and Matt, Matt's mom and sister! Should be a blast!


13th March 2011

so happy to hear from you....miss your dialog....the adventures....i am suffering from poison ants bites....ugh......its spring in atlanta and the itchings is ooooooooh so itchy.........sure happy hear from you........

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