Blogs from Isla de Ometepe, Southern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean


Moyogalpa on the island of Omotepe was a great place to base ourselves for a few days. Our transfer from Granada took us straight to the port so we didn't have the hassle of the taxi drivers in Rivas who apparently use a minefield of rip-off tactics that you have to negotiate. We paid $1 foreigner tax each to enter the port and then bought tickets for a ferry. Apparently you could just buy on board but we felt better with tickets in advance. Then we waited for the time to come when we could get on board. The wind was strong and the water looked pretty rough, but in the end it wasn't so bad and we had the most amazing views of both Omotepe's volcanoes as we made the one hour crossing. Russ regrets ... read more
Blue Morpheo Butterfly
Frigate Bird

Nicaragua economy has been severely effected over the last 5 years. In April of 2018 there were violent protests and riots. It followed a move by the government of Daniel Ortega to reform social security. Following the deaths of protesters, demonstrations intensified and grew into a large anti-Ortega movement seeking his removal from office. Prior to this, their economy was growing at ~4.5% per year. The riots and violence brought the tourism industry to an almost complete halt. Foreign investment declined 90% in the second half of 2018. The World Bank estimated that the Nicaraguan economy shrunk by 6% in just 6 months. As they were attempting to climb out of this hole COVID hit. They are just now trying to repair their economy and tourism business. Currently tourism is only 14% of what it was ... read more

I crossed over from Costa Rica to Nicaragua over the land border. Except the fact that Nicaragua needs PCR test, it's an easy border crossing. My first stop was San Juan Del Sur, the famous beach on the Pacific Coast in Nicaragua. Just crossing into Nicaragua, I could see the change in the vegetation and feel the increased temperature. The soil was dry, the rainforests had given way to dry forests and the heat was intense. I stayed near the main beach on San Juan Del Sur but visited Playa Maderas where most surfers hang out. However, my trip was dampened by me getting a heat stroke and being sick for 3-4 days. It was time to just rest and recuperate. I left from SJDS for Ometepe Island after recovering. The trip included a chicken bus ... read more
Playa Maderas
Ometepe Island
Punta Jesus Maria

We got up and ready to head out. We're just taking overnight bags, and leaving the rest of the stuff at the beach house. Sylvia was a little delayed in getting ready, but we still had an hour and a half to do a drive that should just be an hour, so we figured that was plenty of padding. The drive out from the beach house wasn't nearly as bad as the drive in. It was much easier to see the bumps in the road in the light of day, and navigation wasn't nearly as difficult when we'd already been on the road once. In about 25 minutes, we were already getting off the dirt road that had held us captive for probably an hour and a half when we had initially arrived. Phew! The rest ... read more

I need to specify that this was part of the trip about 2-3 weeks ago, before the big spread of COVID-19 in the Aemricas. :-) I did drive all around the island in 2 shots: first time to south part, (around Maderas), and other to do North(,Concepcion). Like mentioned in previous blog, around Maderas, it gets bumpy, very narrow and rocky for 1-2 kilometers, at South-East part of the road.I was driving a small car, and only had to take it easy to go by.But during rainy season. I would ask locals to make sure it's safe. The road around Concepcion is really much better, especially on the South side. So even if your gps tells you to go by North part of the road to Moyagalpa because it's shorter, it's definitively a better road on ... read more
ojo de agua plan
maderas volcano
Conception volcano

Ometepe island was one of my top 2 places to visit in Nicaragua, and I wasn't deceived!! First thing is to get there. Although there are a few flights a week to get there from Managua, it's more fun and exotic to take the boat to reach it. :-) One important thing about the ferry. If you don't have a car or other transportation, you can take the ferry or smaller boat at any time without any preparation. But if you have a car or a truck, it would be very wise to reserve in advance!!! Reason is that not only tourists go to the island, but also many delivery trucks, and ferries are not that big. To give you an idea, on one ferry you can put: one long 53 feet truck, another truck less ... read more
Volcano at suset
Cobbled road
On the highway south to Rivas

Nicaragua has a whole chain of volcanoes running through it, north to south, some currently or recently active. About a week ago I boarded a large ferry and giddy-upped across a gusty lake Nicaragua (wet luggage) to Ometepe island, created by 2 massive volcanoes, one at each end. In between the volcanoes lies a very productive, agricultural saddle of greens, corn, beans, yucca, bananas, various nuts, , and then going up the slopes of the volcanoes, there's more beans, coffee, cocoa, big tropical timber and finally, moist cloud forests cap the summits. Down on ths coast the food and cooking the Nicaraguan way is delicious. The island has been cultivated by humans for ovsr 3 millenia, and hence its also a bit of an archeological treasure trove. On one of the first days I hopped on ... read more

Mittwoch, den 18. April, nachdem wir vom Treehouse Hostel zurück waren, machten Rebecka und ich uns auf den Weg zur Isla de Ometepe, einer großen Insel im See Nicaragua. Wir wollten eigentlich nur ein Taxi zur Bushaltestelle nehmen, aber schlussendlich machte der Taxifahrer uns einen sehr guten Preis und wir sind mit ihm direkt nach San Jorge gefahren, der Ort von dem aus das Boot nach Ometepe fährt. Da ich total den Kater hatte und Rebecka müde war, störte es uns nicht, auch mal ein bisschen mehr für einen — für einmal — bequemen Transport auszugeben. ^_^ Wir nahmen das letzte Boot, um 17h, nach San José del Sur. Das Boot brauchte eine Ewigkeit, ungefähr 1 1/2 Stunden, und so verpassten wir den letzten Bus zu unserem Hostel nach Balgue und mussten uns ein Taxi nehmen. ... read more

On Wednesday, April 18, after coming back from the Treehouse Hostel, Rebecka and I went on our way to Isla de Ometepe, a big island on Lago Nicaragua. We wanted to take a taxi to the bus station, but in the end the taxi driver made us a quite good price to bring us directly to San Jorge, the place from where the ferry leaves. Since I was hangover and she was tired, we didn’t mind spending a bit more money to have a comfortable ride, for once. ^_^ We took the last ferry, at 5PM, to San José del Sur. The ferry took an eternity, about 1 1/2 hours, and we missed the last bus to Balgue, so we had to take a taxi. Those were super expensive (10$US p.P.), but there was un unofficial ... read more

There was a Dutch guy in my dorm room that would sleep well into the afternoon. He would wake up and take a swig from his bottle of liquor. He would make loud noises in his sleep. The hostel attendant told me that all he does is drink. He was a nice dude when he was awake and sober. He said he came to Nicaragua after his grandfather passed away. Something that i could relate to. I remember an encounter that I had with him where I told him that he should ease off on his drinking. I could tell he didn't take to kindly to that, but his polite nature prevented him from showing how he really felt. I explored the island and met some locals at an eatery. Nicaraguan staple of rice, beans fried ... read more

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