Ometepe, Nicaragua (Feb. 3-6, 2018)

Published: May 12th 2024
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There was a Dutch guy in my dorm room that would sleep well into the afternoon. He would wake up and take a swig from his bottle of liquor. He would make loud noises in his sleep. The hostel attendant told me that all he does is drink. He was a nice dude when he was awake and sober. He said he came to Nicaragua after his grandfather passed away. Something that i could relate to. I remember an encounter that I had with him where I told him that he should ease off on his drinking. I could tell he didn't take to kindly to that, but his polite nature prevented him from showing how he really felt.

I explored the island and met some locals at an eatery. Nicaraguan staple of rice, beans fried plantain and grilled meat. They were very hospitable and offered me some local liquid, of which I took without hesitation. I left after I felt uneasy at how welcoming they were. Not because they were bad people, more so of me wanting to protect boundaries.

I say a local watching the super bowl in front of his house. This was in a higher income area. I was hoping he would invited me to watch it with him, but people in high income area ware not as friendly and hospitable as people in lower income area.

The were also chicken bus here, but not was decorative as the ones in Guatemala.

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