Blogs from Northern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean


We loved León. It's hard to say exactly why, but we ended up chilling out there and soaking up a more local way of life for almost a week. Our first night was a late arrival and a hostel room booked at the last minute as our plans had changed. It also involved a fried chicken restaurant that was trying to pack up and served us half-cold burritos but there was nothing else open at that time. Whilst that wasn't great, we caught a glimpse of what the city had to offer that evening and moved into an url= B&B the next day which became our home for 5 nights. Carolina was a great host, and although the kitchen was rather lacking in implements, she did sort us out with what was needed. Our small apa ... read more
We saw some new murals being painted
Beautiful streets
Viva la revolución!

After a great week with the women I had the weekend free to explore before meeting back up with Harold for our next round of meetings. I decided to spend the weekend in Leon where I was told I could learn a lot about the country's history and political situation. Leon is the second biggest city in Nicaragua with a population just over 600,000. While I found the temperature to be higher than I would like, this town has been my favorite yet for its blend of culture, architecture, and history. I went on several walking tours that taught me a lot about the past and current struggles of Nicaragua. At this time Nicagaura is somewhere between socialist and communist. Their closest allies are Russia, China, and Cuba. In November of 2021 after months of repression ... read more
Royal and Renowned Basilica Cathedral
Royal and Renowned Basilica Cathedral
Food Tour

On était fatigués de voyager tout le temps. On avait planifié de passer deux semaines à Palapa Hostal, un projet d'éco-hostel d'un français vivant à El Transito, sur la côte Pacifique, entre Léon et Managua. Donc, on s'est dirigés de la région au nord d'Esteli vers la côte en s'arrêtant en premier à las Peñitas, à 30 minutes de Léon en bus local. Quand j'ai visité la ville de Léon il y a 5 ans, j'ai eu un bon sentiment. J'ai remarqué une diversité, une belle architecture locale. J'ai eu la même impression quand je suis arrivée à Montréal en 2005. En 2022, je crois que c'est toujours la ville que je préfère au Nicaragua, malgré sa chaleur. Et même si ce pays a véçu deux crises de suite, il me semble que l'esprit de Léon ... read more
Volcan Telika
En haut du volcan pour le coucher de soleil

We woke up and met with Cherry for breakfast, then headed to the bank to exchange some money, and have a wander around town. We checked out the sights of Leon, then came back to gather up our stuff, say goodbye to Cherry, and continue on our journey. We had decided we'd do a couple stops on the way to the beach house- at Masaya to see the volcano and market, and at San Juan del Oriente to see pottery. From google maps, it looked like we had about a 5 hour drive, so we thought we could do a few stops, and still make it to our destination before dark. Masaya was great. There was a museum with some interesting information, including a little video clip of someone crossing over the volcano on tightrope just ... read more

This was my last stop in Nicaragua, before heading back to Managua. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, I cut 3 days from the vacation. ..... Leon is a colonial city and ancient rival to Granada. The city is far less touristy than Granada, but still have many accommodations and things to do around. Old downtown center is compact and easy to navigate. We stayed in hotel Flor de Sarta, about 4 blocks North of central park. This si close enough to get to center in 10 minutes, but quiet enough to sleep well. The staff is super friendly ans breakfast is very good and varied. A small pool and patio allows to relax in the afternoon. ... In Leon, the highlight is of course the big white cathedral, which is white in and out. The building is ... read more
 hotel flor de sarta
hotel flor de sarta

There is actually a road nicknamed "avenue of the volcanoes" in Ecuador. There, for about 200 miles, you can see many high volcanoes like Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, (if you're not in rainy season, otherwise it's full of clouds.....I know I was there..:-) ) In Nicaragua, what I call the "road of the volcanoes", is a stretch of road , East of Leon, in which for about 45-50 kilometers, you can see seven volcanoes from the main road, (there actually more than that to see if you take some secondary roads). Many of these, you can book a tour to explore more in details. What I did was a more of a quick panoramic road trip. I especially wanted to look for the highest volcano of the country. In order, coming from the South, here's the active ... read more
smoking momotombo
santa clara volcano
telica volcano

In the summer of 2017 I spent 3 months in Nicaragua working for Quetzaltrekkers as a backpack guide. I would recommend this to anyone looking to make a difference in the local community, meet other cool travelers, and experience the beautiful nature of the region.... read more
Volcán del Hoyo
Cerro Negro
Chicken Bus

Nicaragua, officially the republic is the largest country in the central Americas isthmus bordered by Honduras to the NW, the Caribbean to the east, costa Rica to the South, and the pacific ocean to the SW. Managua is the capitol and the 3rd largest city in central America behind Tegucigalpa and Guatemala city. The multi ethnic population of 6 million includes people from Indigenous, European, African and Asian heritage. The main language is Spanish, some Indigenous tribes speak their own language. The country is characterized by it's agricultural economy it's history of auto cratee government, and it's in balance of regional development. Almost all settlement and economic activity's are concentrated in the western half of the country. The land of volcano's (28) active and the largest lakes in central America. Present day Nicaragua is still recovering ... read more
Puerto Corinto
The puerto

Dienstag, den 12. April, sind Rebecka und ich früh aufgestanden, um das erste Boot um 7h zurück zum Festland, nach La Ceiba, zu nehmen. Wir waren etwas traurig, Utila zu verlassen, denn wir hatten eine tolle Zeit dort, aber nun ja, es war Zeit weiterzuziehen. In La Ceiba wartete ein Agent von unserem Bus Unternehmen auf uns und hat uns und 3 andere Leute in Taxis gesteckt die uns zu einem Einkaufszentrum brachten. Dort sollten wir bis 9h45 auf ein Boot aus Ruotán warten sollten. Wir fragten in der Zeit den Busfahrer ob es eine Ausreisegebühr für Honduras gibt und er meinte, die gäbe es nicht, allerdings gäbe es für Nicaragua eine Einreisegebühr von 14$US die man nur in US Dollar zahlen kann! °_° Daher haben Rebecka und ich die Wartezeit genutzt um zu einer Bank ... read more

On Thursday, April 12th, Rebecka and I got up early to take the first ferry at 7AM back to La Ceiba. We were a bit sad to leave Utila since we had had a wonderful time there, but well, now it was time to move on. In La Ceiba, a tour agent was waiting for us and got us and 3 other people into taxis who brought us to a shopping mall. There we had to wait for the boat from Ruotán to arrive and we were told we would only leave at 9h45. We asked the bus driver if there is an exit fee for Honduras and he told us that there is no exit fee for Honduras but an entrance fee of 14$US to enter Nicaragua and that we will have to pay in ... read more

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