
Published: January 15th 2019
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Nicaragua, officially the republic is the largest country in the central Americas isthmus bordered by Honduras to the NW, the Caribbean to the east, costa Rica to the South, and the pacific ocean to the SW. Managua is the capitol and the 3rd largest city in central America behind Tegucigalpa and Guatemala city. The multi ethnic population of 6 million includes people from Indigenous, European, African and Asian heritage. The main language is Spanish, some Indigenous tribes speak their own language.

The country is characterized by it's agricultural economy it's history of auto cratee government, and it's in balance of regional development. Almost all settlement and economic activity's are concentrated in the western half of the country. The land of volcano's (28) active and the largest lakes in central America.

Present day Nicaragua is still recovering from the legacy of dictatorship and civil wars. the ongoing disputes over land ownership and Nicaragua continues to depend on foreign aid. Furthermore the country's infrastructure was severely damaged in 1998 by Hurricane Mitch which killed over 18800 people and destroyed several villages.

Corinto, a sleepy town were life is slow and relaxing. Founded as a city in the late 19th century, today Corinto serves as Nicaragua's largest port, providing a trading hub for the region and attracting tourists from around the world. Historic buildings, picturesque tropical scenery, geological wonders ( Cerro Negro Volcano) many crafts, churches The Basilica Cathedral takes it all.

Travelled to Chinandega, was a lovely trip. The people of Nicaragua are kind, clean and orderly . Their basic homes are maintained and kept painted. The education, medical, dental and medicines are paid for by the government. The average salary for a working class would equal 200.00 US a month. The living is simple the people are happy. After been to every state in Mexico by land driving, now Guatemala, costa Rico and Nicaragua with nothing but help ful smiling people I have no idea why both the Canadian and American travel advisory's advise against travel to these countries. The Spanish are the nicest over all people I have ever met. We would go any where and have done miles of it.

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