Road of the volcanoes

Published: April 6th 2020
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volcano road

There is actually a road nicknamed "avenue of the volcanoes" in Ecuador. There, for about 200 miles, you can see many high volcanoes like Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, (if you're not in rainy season, otherwise it's full of clouds.....I know I was there..:-) )

In Nicaragua, what I call the "road of the volcanoes", is a stretch of road , East of Leon, in which for about 45-50 kilometers, you can see seven volcanoes from the main road, (there actually more than that to see if you take some secondary roads). Many of these, you can book a tour to explore more in details. What I did was a more of a quick panoramic road trip. I especially wanted to look for the highest volcano of the country.

In order, coming from the South, here's the active and smoking Momotombo. This one borders the same lake as the capital. I saw it on 2 occasions and it was always smoking and very visible from the highway 3. Didn't have time because of the covid-19 pandemic to take a small detour in the park where it stands.

Further North, you enter Leon city. This is the subject of my next blog. Continue north, and you reach the city of Telica. Took a quick detour toward San Jacinto to get better pictures. 2 volcanoes are there side by side: the active and quite flat Telica volcano and the volcana Santa Clara. For those interested, many tours offers to hike to summit of Telica, to watch for the fumes, the view and the sunsets. Lokked coll, but no time sadly to do it. Maybe next time?

Took back main highway 3 North. Arrived at city of Chichigalpa. This town is famed for the Rhum distillery, (many tours available). Stopped there at the restaurant "La vista". This is a very modern, spacious and comfortable place, with lots parking, place for musicians and more.

This was also the place to see the main an highest volcano of the country: the San Cristobal. It has the characteristic cone shape, but the slopes are as pronounced as volcano concepcion on Ometepe. This volcano is side by side with 2 others: chonco and casita.

The weather was perfect, bright and sunny with no clouds. For those who likes panoramic views, it's worth it.

I then drove back to Leon to get to my hotel.

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