Blogs from Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America


South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty December 23rd 2019

There is a chunk of Finland hidden in Rio De Janeiro State Over Christmas and New Year we went to Brazil for two weeks. Brazil is a huge country so we only had time to roam around a little bit in Rio de Janeiro State. Here we are going to write about what we saw during those days of this trip when we rented a car and drove around the state. Arraial do Cabo We started this trip in Arraial do Cabo, a coastal town a few hours drive east of Rio de Janeiro. It is a typical bathing resort town where most everything revolves around the beach and the marina. The marina sees action because the various boat tours leave from there. We went to Arraial do Cabo mainly to celebrate Christmas with some relatives. ... read more
Interesting rock formation
Villa in Petropolis

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty December 12th 2017

Today as we are writing this blogpost it is a rainy day, the temperature is around 22 to 23 degrees, a perfect day for Judith to get her nails done and for Merijn to get a haircut, as you do. We settled down for the coming week in one of the most beautiful Portuguese colonial towns (Paraty) in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Today it’s exactly 10 months since we left home, family and friends to start this trip. We have traveled more or less down from El Salvador in Central America, through quite a large part of South America and ended up holidaying in Brazil. We are finalising this part of our journey and we will leave for Africa in 10 days. We are leaving behind Central and South America with mixed feelings, excited to ... read more
Miolo winery
Miolo winery
Miolo winery

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty April 18th 2016

The day didn't get off to a good start when I couldn't find the house-keys and was convinced I was going to miss the boat trip. Tipped everything out of the case for the second day running before working out that they were in the lock of my room attached to the room key. Stopped at the local supermarket to pick up water but forget that I had had to cross the road to do so, started marching in wrong direction and had to retrace my steps. Honestly, sometimes I think I shouldn't be let out on my own, let alone on a different continent! Had barely enough time to make it to the pier on the other side of the old town but, as I neared this, was encouraged to see other people actually running! ... read more
Fish in water near Paraty
Beach near Paraty
Sailing near Paraty

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty April 17th 2016

Well, to put it mildly I did not have a good night. It was, of course, suffocatingly hot and I changed my mind several times about whether to have the window open or closed. There is a mosquito net over my bed - very reminiscent of early 20th Century novels about the Tropics. My host, whose English was normally quite clear, suddenly became a bit evasive when asked if there were many mosquitoes around. Possibly, but there could be a lot more, seemed to be the answer. Anyway, I don't know how standard mosquito nets work but this one you are supposed to pull out and over the sides of the bed from a sort of cylinder in the centre of the bed. This means that unless you are absolutely in the centre you are constantly ... read more
Interior of Matriz de N.S. dos Remédios
View from Casa da Cultura
Matriz de N. Sr das Dores by night

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty June 10th 2015

Wednesday 10th June 2015 Parati, sometimes spelt Paraty and pronounced Parachi, is a well-preserved Portuguese colonial town, in the south of the state of Rio in the “Parque Nacional da Serra Bocaina” (the Bocaina National Park). Building regulations are severely strict, resulting in a completely unspoilt environment, with lethal cobbled streets, artisan craft shops and a wonderful winter tropical climate; it would be somewhat harsher in the summer. The rainforest-clad mountains reach down to palm fringed beaches where horses bathe in the water beside fishermen stringing their nets. It is a little piece of paradise, or as the Brazilians would say, “um paraiso”. The only thing lacking, in our opinion, is good food. South America just does not seem to have the culinary skills found in Europe or Asia. Here in Brazil everything is served with ... read more
Another Catholic church down a pretty cobbled street
Another church beside the canal
Traditional transport

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty March 8th 2015

Nick: I don't think I've ever been so grateful to be on a bus. We are sat on our coach in Paraty bus station, waiting to depart. It must be one of the most comfortable buses I've ever been on, with masses of legroom and lovely cold air conditioning...nothing to do now but sit back and enjoy the view for 4-5 hours as we work our way further south down the country to Sao Paolo, from where we will be flying to Iguazu Falls the next day. Half an hour ago things looked decidedly more bleak. Waiting at the bus station with our backpacks in the humid morning heat, the allotted time for our departure came and went with no sign of the bus having turned up. There were plenty of people, locals and travellers, waiting ... read more
Sarah on the cobbled streets of Paraty
Being thrown down a waterfall by a couple of locals
Pretty Paraty boat

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty January 16th 2015

Next up on the itinerary was the beautifully restored colonial town of Paraty on the southern coastline of Rio de Janerio state, with several islands just off shore it’s a highlight for Brazilians and international travellers alike. Our small but comfortable B&B was only a short walk from the bus station, the center of town and the water’s edge. In the afternoon we took in the sights of the town, including their three churches that we learnt were each built by and for the three races of the town (black slaves, freed mixed-race ‘mulattos’, and elitist whites). Having booked a boat tour for the following day we relaxed in town, shopping and listening to local samba drum groups practice from upcoming Carnaval. The day tour was on a large boat for approximately 100 people that would ... read more
Loving being back in the ocean, with fancy sail boat

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty January 3rd 2015

We got up around 7:30 to pack for the day and head down for breakfast early. Today we are heading for a hike. Well Shelly will hike while I sit at the restaurant waiting for them. My knee just could not take this hike (very step and unsteady). Our guide meets us and we walk to the bus station where we board a local bus to head to Paraty Mirim. Once we get there we take a boat (30 minutes) to the base of the mountain. Shelly and the rest of the group head off for the mountain, I sit at well, not sure I would call it a restaurant but it has tables and benches and a couple chairs. Luckily, I got one of the chairs. I read and worked on writing the blog entries ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty January 2nd 2015

really, we've not been able to do more than check a few emails (and that was at an internet café ). But tonight I have a bit so I'm sending out a blog I wrote for day 3. I'll try to post others tonight but don't hold your breath. No pictures in this one. no time to download..... we are off to, I can keep more up to date. Day 3 started with Shelly’s early alarm. That was ok by me as I was going to go back to sleep. Shelly packed and left for her morning of surfing. Next thing I knew it was 9:45. Wow, I don’t sleep that late very often. I had to grab some clothes and run downstairs so I could get breakfast before 10. After breakfast I read for a ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty December 30th 2014

Today’s adventure was kayaking. The guide came by around 9 again. Breakfast doesn’t start here until 8:30 and they don’t even start preparing it until they see you. So I went down a few minutes early, even so we didn’t get served until about quarter till. Then off on the hike over the mountain to where we are kayaking (same place we paddle boarded). At least today it was cloudy most of the time. I covered up my burnt feet with Shelly’s surf booties, my knees I just put 100 on. But I think with the clouds most of the day, I shouldn’t have gotten much more sun. So, I love to kayak with Shelly, BUT not after a killing stand up paddle board day and not when the kayaking is distance kayaking and not really ... read more

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