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January 2nd 2015
Published: January 2nd 2015
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really, we've not been able to do more than check a few emails (and that was at an internet café ). But tonight I have a bit so I'm sending out a blog I wrote for day 3. I'll try to post others tonight but don't hold your breath. No pictures in this one. no time to download..... we are off to, I can keep more up to date.

Day 3 started with Shelly’s early alarm. That was ok by me as I was going to go back to sleep. Shelly packed and left for her morning of surfing. Next thing I knew it was 9:45. Wow, I don’t sleep that late very often. I had to grab some clothes and run downstairs so I could get breakfast before 10. After breakfast I read for a bit and did a bunch on the internet. Shelly returned around 1:00. She said it had been great. They drove about 30 kilometers down the road and had to climb down a very steep cliff to get to the beach. Her guide carried the surf board. She said the surfing was much better than they expected and they both took turns with the board. She was supposed to be back around noon but they were having so much fun, they didn’t even leave the beach until noon and then on the way home they stopped at 2 waterfalls and one of them she had to hike to.

Too bad she didn’t take the waterproof camera as I bet there would have been some good pictures. Her guide did have a go pro and did get some shots of her surfing but we’ve not seen the yet.

Shelly showered (another cold shower) and then we went to find some lunch. We went to the beach but the food didn’t look so good so we had a beer and then headed back to town where we found pizza. The crust was the thinnest I’ve ever seen. Shelly later was talking about all the carbs, I said, what carbs there was barely any crust. We were asking the waiter about ATMs when the couple at the next table told us where we needed to go. It seems rather far off. They eventually converted a bit of money for us (we called them the Back of Sao Paulo since that is where they were from)

Back to the hotel for a nap, the off to the internet café. It was a bit faster so that was nice. Turns out you can convert money there too but the rates weren’t as good as we got with the bank of Sao Paulo but since we needed it we converted $20 more anyway. It amazes me the lack of ATMs here and the only one we found seems to require the chip in the card.

Next we hike up to where the thai restaurant is to make sure our reservations for New Years Eve were set and to pay the deposit. Hum, we go there and they had no reservation and said they don’t have a set menu. ??? We mentioned this to Alex back at the hotel and he said that is the Thai restaurant that he had talked with. I guess we will find out for sure New Year Eve’s night.

Next we walked thru town trying to find the restaurant that was supposed to be cheaper and good. We finally found it but, it wasn’t cheaper and didn’t look as nice as another one we wanted to try. So off to find Fago. We got there around 8:45 and were able to sit immediately. Shelly and I shared a meal since we had such a late lunch and it was great. We also had a nice bottle of Argentine Chardonnay to go with it and bananas flambé for desert.

We headed back to the room and poured a glass of wine and watched from the balcony. A few minutes later a small band came thru town and had people following.


2nd January 2015

And then...
More to follow I'm sure!

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