Blogs from Arizona, United States, North America


North America » United States » Arizona » Sedona March 9th 2024

From Bing Travel: Regularly described as one of America’s most beautiful places, Sedona is in the northern Verde Valley region about two and half hours north of Phoenix. Known for its towering red rocks and jagged sandstone buttes, this desert destination is a popular travel spot year-round. A hiker’s paradise, Sedona has more than 100 different trails that range in difficulty. The people at The Hike House can help prepare travelers for the trail. One of the most popular is Cathedral Rock Trail, which offers breathtaking views of the area’s red rock formations. The Bell Rock Pathway, Devil's Bridge Trail, Boynton Canyon, and Palatki Ruins all feature ancient Native American ruins and cave paintings along the way. Jeep tours are another great way to explore the area. Most include a narrated tour, some walking, and of ... read more
Lexi loves the pink jeep!
Love Sedona red rocks

North America » United States » Arizona » Grand Canyon March 3rd 2024

Try a canyon? For some unknown reason, I think we are all attracted to canyons. Perhaps it is a metaphor for the deeper meaning of life? This is the definition of "canyon" by AZ Animals: Canyons are deep valleys with steep sides that take years to form. Within these canyons are unique and amazing wildlife. In the url= States, there are over 70 canyons to visit and admire. Listed below are some of the deepest. Follow along if you’d like to discover the 6 deepest canyons in the United States and see where the Grand Canyon ranks. Santa Elena in Big Bend National Park, Texas (never been) Zion Canyon in Zion National Park One of my favorites, just outside of St. George, Utah, and about 2 hours north of Vegas... read more
Get the burger at the El Tovar
Grand Canyon
Yosemite Valley

North America » United States » Arizona » Page February 13th 2024

What to do outdoors when you are in Vegas?? This one takes some commitment, but a tour of Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend is not only breathtaking but almost a spiritual experience when you consider how extraordinary nature is in forming such a wonderful design. Tours can begin in Vegas, where participants are picked up for a long drive across the desert terrain to Antelope Canyon, where they are greeted by gorgeous rock formations. A hike to Horseshoe Bend, a curved waterway that hugs the canyon like its namesake shape, will help prepare travelers for the five-hour drive back to Vegas - yes, you'll be spending 10 hours of travel time for this one. While that sounds like a trip within a trip, Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend are definitely worth it for travelers who want ... read more
A beautiful day
And the sands of time

North America » United States » Arizona February 11th 2024

We arrived in Quartzsite, AZ on November 1, planning to attend a rally that began on the 16th. It was quite nice to get there when we did because the weather had just begun to turn cold – it froze in Flagstaff and became unseasonably cold in Phoenix almost as soon as we arrived in Quartzsite. However, our plans were not to be, because Natalie woke up on the 14th with her right arm feeling numb and she could barely speak, but she did tell me to call 911, I wasn’t even sure there was a 911 in Quartzsite, but they arrived very soon after my call, decided it was probably a stroke, and took her by ambulance to the nearest hospital at Parker, AZ, a 35-minute drive north. Before the ambulance drove away with Natalie, ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Amado January 27th 2024

Today was a variety – the sunniest day ever by the afternoon (it got to about 73 degrees F) but in the late morning we tried to find certain special birds in Box Canyon, and it must have been blowing cold wind thru that canyon at about 40 MPH! Crazy. Actually, the first thing on the agenda was – you guessed it Chris and Jeanette – the local water treatment plant. Great for a variety of ducks and teals and even 3 SNOW GEESE. One cinnamon teal. It was chilly but worth it – and then we went for brunch at a place we had discovered last year. The best sweet potato fries ever. Fortified, that’s when we drove into Box Canyon and tried to hike a little in the very cold wind. We didn’t see ... read more
Water Treatment ducks
Water Treatment pond
Cinnamon Teal

North America » United States » Arizona » Sierra Vista January 26th 2024

Another busy and fresh-air day. It is almost 9 pm and we are finally in for the night, having left just after 8! This vacationing is quite challenging! Our first stop was Ramsey Canyon, 2 hours away. It is a Natural Conservancy – used to be a privately held area. There are still a few houses here and there in the lower areas. We walked about ½ mile along the canyon, and then climbed all the way up the Hamburg Trail to the Overlook – at least 500’ elevation change – to get into the pine forests and try to find the red crossbill (some people coming down had seen it that day). It was quite a challenging climb – glad I took my hiking poles. We were rewarded by the lovely smell of the pine ... read more
Amazing sycamores
Narcissistic redstart
View from near top

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone January 25th 2024

Today was sunny at last, but still chilly. We aimed for Whitewater Draw, an area where thousands of sandhill cranes have been gathering since the late 60s in their migration to Nebraska and parts north. They leave the wetlands for the fields at day break and return around noon, so we knew we didn’t need to rush there. Still, it was going to be a two hour drive…. So we stopped in famous Tombstone for a looksee. My oh my it was so commercial, but would indeed have needed an hour to do it all. Our aim was the 25 min historical overview at 10, but we are out of season and it wouldn’t start till noon. So we bought a ticket to see the OK corral anyway – where metal cut out figures of Wyatt ... read more
OK Coral
Cranes coming in for landing
Cranes flying for a rest

North America » United States » Arizona » Green Valley January 24th 2024

Today was dry. Yeah. We said good morning to a passel of 10 Gambrel Quail in our garden, and then we were off to Patagonia, a community very near the border with Mexico, along the Sonoita Creek. Paton’s Hummingbird Center is there, and that was our first stop. BTW, Tucson is about 2300’ elevation, Patagonia is 4000 (and Madera Canyon about 5000 the other day). Elevation really affects the varieties. Actually there are only 2 types of hummers here now, the tiny broadbill and the violet-crowned Hummingbiards. Staff had taken down all the seed feeders (!) because of increasing avian flu, but there were still birds in the pecan trees and shrubs. We learned about the symbiotic relationship between the Gila woodpeckers and Ladder-backed woodpeckers with the pine siskins. The woodpeckers broke open the pecan pods, ... read more
Looking for the Red-naped Sapsucker!

North America » United States » Arizona » Gila Bend January 14th 2024

Today's adventures took us to the Grand Canyon. Unfortunately, James did not sleep well the night before and was way overtired so when we tried to walk the rim he was just not having it. We went back to the car and he fell asleep almost immediately. We continued driving through the park and just got out seperately to enjoy the views. It was 6° when we started out this morning. By the time we finished driving through the park and started heading into Phoenix, it had warmed to 60°. We stopped at a Navajo-run lunch Cafe. I had a burger on fry bread and Scott had Mutton stew. Both were delicious. We made it to our hotel where James was able to find an area of dirt to play in. He needed some unbridled, dirty ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Flagstaff January 13th 2024

Today we took US 40 all the way to Arizona. It was very, very cold and there was lots of snow on the ground. James loved it and insisted on walking through it, resulting in wet and cold shoes! We stopped at the Petrified Forest National Park and enjoyed the drive and stops along the way. The scenery is amazing and beautiful. Millie got to do a bit of hiking herself. We ended the day with Cracker Barrel and then the boys went to run errands and gave me a chance to have some alone time. ... read more

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