Blogs from Sincheon, Seoul, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon September 8th 2012

--- Apologies for the long blog silence, apparently there are still places without wifi as standard :-o --- My first day in Seoul without my new Taiwanese friends (they went back to Taiwan today) I decided to explore a bit on my terms. So far, we had travelled everywhere by tube, which was fine as far as it went - Seoul's underground system is clean, fast and air-conditioned, are you paying attention TfL??? But the disadvantage of travelling underground is that you never get a sense of how the city pieces together. My first discovery was that the city centre (which includes the financial district near City Hall, the palace/tourist district in Insadong and the shopping district in Myeongdong) is actually quite small - 20 mins, perhaps 30, walking from end to end. Somehow it all ... read more
Korean guardian
Beautiful chimneys

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon July 15th 2012

So day one... Whitlee slept exceptionally well. Better than Hudson. Hudson is such a thrasher everyone pretty much woke up bruised and battered from him. Still quite impressed all four of us fit on a queen mattress. We woke up about 4am (still pretty jet lagged) and showered, got ready and waited. and waited. and waited for her to wake up. Finally I was just about to resort to taking a nap when she awoke. We packed on the kids and took off for Dongdaemun Market. It's basically an area of high rises that are full of vendors. We purchased some much needed clothes for the kiddos (recall, I came across the globe without anything for them) and headed out. We also got some sweet deals because are kids are just so darn cute. We've managed ... read more
Brother and Sister
W showing H how to eat dried Seaweed.

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon July 13th 2012

The day has finally arrived!! We picked up Whitlee today! We started the morning off meeting with Hudson's foster mom, Mrs. Choi. We tried to prep Hudson as much as you can prep a 2 year old 'that a strange lady loves you very much and is going to hug the ever-living daylights out of you when she sees you. This will be ok. You will survive and probably get candy and presents.' Mrs. Choi definitely did that. and more. We were waiting outside the Post Placement Service door for Hudson's former social worker, when Mrs. Choi and her 10 yo granddaughter (who was a big part of both Hudson and Evan's life) came running up the steps. She scooped up Hudson and kept talking to him. I recognized all of about one word-JoonSeong. We continued ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon June 10th 2012

8 June: decided I would check out the high end Apgujeong shopping area. Although I knew where it was it was further than I thought from the subway station of the same name. I was essentially looking for Rodeo Street (no relation -- much -- to Rodeo Drive in LA/Beverley Hills). Not entirely sure I actually found it but after having wandered through the two rather large buildings of the Galleria - essentially European labels and all that sort of designer gear, I had probably seen enough anyway. Strangely enough I came upon a wine shop and actually bought a half bottle of NZ pinot noir for about $12 as it was slightly reduced (more importantly it had a screw top -- these snobs who still insist on corks for closures are mugs). Anyway wandered around ... read more
Sinchon La Nuit hotel
Noryangin fish elevated view
Noryangin fish of the long silver variety

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon June 6th 2012

real time is actually Sunday night 10 June and I am really behind so must catch up with this blog. I have had an extremely slow day today due to a relatively hard night drinking and eating last night with my American buddy Uday but you will hear about that later. 6 June is actually Memorial Day in Korea but from the couple of Koreans I spoke to they did not seem really clear on what it actually commemorated! I think it is basically the same as Memorial Day in the USA which notionally honours the efforts of their armed forces generally in various conflicts. It is certainly not the same date as that of the start of the Korean war, 25 June 1950 as I recall, nor the "ending" (of full scale hostilities only) of ... read more
Sinchon green local bus
National Museum of Korea (NMK) poster display
NMK exterior

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon February 6th 2010

Airplanes are only comfortable if you're well-to-do or under 3 years old. if you're not one of these airplane are so very uncomfortable, no matter where you sit. i'm sitting in korea dreading boarding the flight to singapore, i don't care to go to singapore, except for stinky tofu but i'm not even sure they have that there, i know it's in malaysia. they do have stinky tofu in singapore and it will be my mission to find it as it seems the only thing singapore has to offer me aside from strengthening my desire to be in india. i deal with my life as i can and as it comes. before leaving all i could deal with was the mechanics of packing and preparing to leave. now that i'm on my journey a whole other ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon October 11th 2009

This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada so it wouldn be right not to acknowledge it! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at home. I would do bad, bad things for some roast turkey and moms stuffing right about now :) Some things that I am thankful for include but of course are not limited to: - family that loves me and friends that miss me (i am surprised, too!) - my healthy, wonderful body - tom pettys "free fallin\" - I was always grateful for this but now I will be even MORE grateful upon my return to Canada: drinkable tap water - sea salt List goes on but I have things to share... Last week was Hanbok Day in Korea. Hanbok is traditional clothing that is worn by men and women during festivals or other celebrations. They ... read more
Girls getting eachother ready for the picture
ladies, all the ladies..
sally, anneliese, alice

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon August 27th 2009

Hello again everyone! Before I start this blog I want thank everyone for sending me messages. It's pretty cool to see what you all are thinking and it's nice to know people are keeping up with what I'm doing. Hope everyone is doing well. Jining I must say, my time in Jining was very different from last summer. Although I saw many of the same people, it was as though they treated me even more as a member of their family. Ranran's mom (a yi - aunt) and dad (shushu - uncle) took very good care of me. I had forgotten what hunger felt like. Every lunch and dinner there was endless food that I could never finish! We really need to import REAL Chinese food to America. Inner Mongolia is known for it's mutton and ... read more
Me and the "Kids"
Me and Weiwei

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon July 14th 2009

Two things happened today that really stand out in my somewhat boring scheduled routine day. I'll start with the bad one since I've always been the type that prefers the good news last. 1. I bit into a plum that had a WORM in it. this may not seem like a big deal to most people but I almost fainted. I don't really care for worms or creepy crawlers but to have one in my mouth was just.. so.. gross. 2. It rained. I mean it raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneddddddddddd! and I love this. This is actually one of the things I love most about Korea. I have never lived in a place that has rained enough for me. I have rain standards that always seem to fall short in Canada. It will rain for about 5 or 6 ... read more
Happy Birthday Papa!

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Sincheon March 29th 2009

It is almost 2:30 am on Sunday night (morning) and I can NOT sleep. I'm not tired at all, in fact I'm wide awake and I can't relax. I'm just.. AWAKE! I had a decent day, alright conversation, a good walk, a few laughs, some bad coffee. I started to get ready for bed to try and trick myself into thinking I was tired. My logic: maybe if I just do the things I do before I go to sleep that would help. I washed my face and brushed my teeth for the 3rd time, I tidied up my kitchen and fluffed my pillows. I turned on my radio to set my alarm - 7:00am. Terrible. My radio used to play songs I could sing along with but now only blasts out whiney Korean music and ... read more

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