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February 6th 2010
Published: February 6th 2010
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Airplanes are only comfortable if you're well-to-do or under 3 years old. if you're not one of these airplane are so very uncomfortable, no matter where you sit.
i'm sitting in korea dreading boarding the flight to singapore, i don't care to go to singapore, except for stinky tofu but i'm not even sure they have that there, i know it's in malaysia. they do have stinky tofu in singapore and it will be my mission to find it as it seems the only thing singapore has to offer me aside from strengthening my desire to be in india.

i deal with my life as i can and as it comes. before leaving all i could deal with was the mechanics of packing and preparing to leave. now that i'm on my journey a whole other reality has set in, whereas before i was overly excited about what the future has in store for me, i now find myself somewhat fearful.

i'm sure part of it is just emotions around leaving surfacing accompanied with a bit of sleep deprivation, the dread of another flight and the fact i'm not in india yet.
regardless of any obstacles, when i close my eyes and i'm in a traffic jam in kolkata getting a blast of exhaust smoke from a bus in my face and my taxi driver is honking at a stubborn cow in stead of driving around it my heart begins to blossom and nothing could be better.

we'll see what happens when i get there.

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

prem narayana das


7th February 2010

Can't help but share your vision of heaven. Thanks for re-lighting my hankering for time in India. Love you dear. Mom
8th February 2010

No matter where you are, or whatever the conditions are-------YOU are safe in God's keeping. Be strong, my Pal-----

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