Mon when? Monsoooooooooooon!

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July 14th 2009
Published: July 14th 2009
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Two things happened today that really stand out in my somewhat boring scheduled routine day. I'll start with the bad one since I've always been the type that prefers the good news last.

1. I bit into a plum that had a WORM in it. this may not seem like a big deal to most people but I almost fainted. I don't really care for worms or creepy crawlers but to have one in my mouth was just.. so.. gross.

2. It rained. I mean it raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneddddddddddd! and I love this.

This is actually one of the things I love most about Korea. I have never lived in a place that has rained enough for me. I have rain standards that always seem to fall short in Canada. It will rain for about 5 or 6 mins at the strength of my liking and then piddle off to pee wee drops that are more annoying than inspiring.

But not Korea..

Korea is in monsoon season which is basically another word for heavy wind and rainfall but I call it 'end of the world rain'. Apparently this lasts most of the summer, at least into August. How lucky am I!

I fake-hate the rain to my friends and co workers, pretending to share their annoyance for all things wet season but it's all a lie. There is nothing more pleasing than to wake up to rain, have rain on my window all day, sing preschool songs about rain (making sure not to sing "Mr. Sun" too loud in case the rain gods are listening in), and look at the window at quitting time and STILL see the same strength and fury of rain to walk home in. No taxis for me! I open my window all the way and fall asleep to the sound of puddles filling up and the tiny streams in my alley way.

Much to the confusion and concern of my fellow pedestrians I walked half way home in the rain loving every big fat raindrop falling from the sky. Happy and wet.


PS: I would like to wish Papa a WONDERFUL birthday! Although I was not able to make it to UJ and Shirley's on Sunday I was definitely wishing I was there and think of, glasses up:

Here's to a man who taught me: how
Happy Birthday Papa!Happy Birthday Papa!Happy Birthday Papa!

I laughed so hard when I made this.. -the red things are lips haha -sorry to cut you out nanny, it's the only pic I've got!
to make a perfect cement pie, not be scared of bugs (because he isn't), to hide all the cookies (because he'll eat them) , the importance of being kind and of course how to play a wicked game of rumoli! You're the best Sir Boss I could ask for! I love you but don't tell anyone! xoxo


15th July 2009

Lovin' the rain and Papa
Well Honey I really loved this part of your blog. I know I've said this before but you sure have a talent for writing. I can hear and smell the rain falling when you describe it, the way you do. I've just not taken the time to think of it those terms. And I can't imagine a monsoon. And then the part about Papa was so nice. It brought a little tear to my eye at the office. Thanks for being the granddaughter you are. I know how much he loves you, and you him. It was cute and beautiful. Mumxoxo
15th July 2009

Hi Carly, Your Blog is great! Papa loved his picture. He had lots of hugs and kissed at Belvedere yesterday when he did the Fireside Cafe, but, one from you would have been "the" one. I also love the rain. I take my umbrella with me, but, rarely open it. The sound of the rain on the roof puts me to sleep. So, we do have a lot in common. Hope you are enjoying yourself. Take care, Lots of love, Nanny and Papa. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
15th July 2009

I like the rain, too. :-) Glad to hear that its something I can look forward to when I'm in SK next year. I'm interested in hearing what ultimately happens with your Malaysian vacation... Good luck!

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