Page 5 of AnnaAdventuring Travel Blog Posts

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Celestun March 31st 2010

I was looking forward to today as we were planning to visit Celestun which is famous for its pink flamingoes. We had another sumptuous breakfast in the hostel and then sat in the reception to await our trip. Time dragged on but a smiling member of staff said not to worry they're always late and proceed to sit and tell us about Celestun... and how someone was sick on the trip. I felt my stomach lurch instinctively because I'd been picturing a nice calm lake, not something I might be seasick on. I raced to the pharmacy to get travel sickness pills just in case thinking that my south African experience may have scarred me for life!!! I arrived back in time to catch the mini bus and we clambered in. After a while I realised ... read more
American Flamingoes
Just having a stretch

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Uxmal March 30th 2010

We took a tour to see Uxmal and Kabah today. After the hassles of getting to Chichen Itza I was quite relieved to be on a guided tour for the day, especially since it would take us to Kabah as well which we couldn't have managed in one day on the buses. I was pleasantly surprised when we were picked up by car, and again when we stopped to pick up the rest of the group which actually proved to be only one person. Being in a group of three with a private bilingual guide and an air conditioned car was certainly a good way to start a day of sightseeing. It improved as I tried to practise my Spanish with the Mexican woman, Aurea, and found she works at the university in Moreila, very close ... read more
Cacti en route to Uxmal
Workers at Uxmal
Uxmal archway

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Chichén Itzá March 29th 2010

After getting up at 4am yesterday, travelling for more than 12 hours, being ill, getting lost in Cancun airport while trying to find my boyfriend, being ridiculously overcharged for a taxi to the bus station because I assumed the price was in pesos only to be told it was in fact US dollars, losing my jumper on a bus and arriving at our hostel to find our room not available to the following night I was pleasantly surprised that I made it to the end of today and actually had fun. We had a nice room in the hostel although we were promised our en suite for tonight. We awoke to find our included breakfast was more like a banquet. One long table of fresh breads, croissants and pastries, cereals, milk and juice, tea and coffee, ... read more
El Castillo
Me at Chichen Itza
View of Chichen Itza

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » Sahuayo March 22nd 2010

The kids of Sahuayo were out on the streets today to welcome Springtime. I remembered my Spanish teacher telling me about it in a lesson several weeks ago and one of my students told me on Friday she wouldn't be in class becuse she was going to watch her neice in the parade so I was very excited. I got to school and Colin had already been ahead of me and asked if we could leave lessons for a few minutes to take some pictures. I went to check with the principal that I was allowed to go, only to see Kim walking out with her students already! I chased after them and we got to the parade on the next street which had only just started. We were squealing at the cutesness straight away. The ... read more
Little aristocrats
All in red
Little girl in white

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » La Palma March 13th 2010

Having heard several times about the white pelicans around Lake Chapala I decided it was probably a good idea to pay them a visit before they all flew north. Glad to have a destination so close to Sahuayo I enjoyed a Saturday morning lie in and didn't set off until later in the day. Unfortunately Colin and I soon discovered that meant we'd missed the last bus and had to get a taxi. We took the taxi to La Palma, one of the many small towns and villages around Lake Chapala where one can view the pelicans at the right time of year. A very small town La Palma barely gets a mention on the internet, nor is it ever listed as a place for tourists to see the pelicans, but we set off on the ... read more
Looking for pelicans

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » Zamora February 27th 2010

After a couple of weeks of hard work I decided it was time to do the tourist thing again. I couldn't face another trip like the weekend we did Paricutin, not because it wasn't enjoyable but simply because it was a lot of travelling over two days and to come home Sunday evening to find a pile of lesson plans still to do was quite exhausting. So, I opted for a day trip. Colin and I set off for Zamora, a place I had only previously passed through and a place Colin was stranded in his first day in Mexico! I was looking forward to a bit of sightseeing again and I'd heard that Zamora is beautiful so I was looking forward to it. Zamora was founded in 1574 , on the orders of Viceroy Martín ... read more
Street vendor
Church fountain

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » Uruapan February 14th 2010

We left San Juan Neuvo first thing this morning. The owners were not up so we merely packed up and left. We decided to leave breakfast until we reached Uruapan, since as the guide book states the best place to eat in San Juan is not to eat in San Juan! I asked for directions to the bus stop... but apparently we could get one from the point in the road we'd arrived at. As we approached I saw a bus with Uruapan painted across the side. I started to hurry and seeing me the bus driver actually stopped, waved to me and waited (the drivers of the number 13 bus at home could learn something from him!!!) We took the short drive to Urpuan and asking a fellow passenger on the bus where the centre ... read more
In Uruapan
Uruapan Plaza
Everyone's a cowboy!

North America » Mexico » Michoacán February 13th 2010

I set off today on my first sightseeing trip in Mexico. I woke up grumpily and forced myself out of bed thinking that a lazy weekend at home and a lie in sounded much more appealing than our proposed plan to climb a volcano! Still, I dutifully grabbed my bag and followed Colin to the bus station (it looked horribly familiar as it was the one I was abandoned at when I first arrived!!) where I tried to force my brain in gear and summon Spanish to get our tickets. We travelled first to Zamora and as Colin fell asleep I tried to stay awake so as not to miss our stop but lost the battle eventually. Fortunately we were both awake before we reached Zamora and the bus stopped at the bus station anyway. I ... read more
Volcano Paracutin
Exploring the ruins
 View from the church

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » Sahuayo February 10th 2010

The monument of Cristo Rey dominates the city of Sahuayo and the figure of Jesus stands at the top of the monument, outspread arms embracing the city below. I visited the monument my first weekend in Sahuayo but the delay in publishing this blog is due to the near impossibility of finding out the significance of this monument. Colin showed me the route to Cristo Rey with the good advice of 'don't do it in heels or flip-flops'. I might have managed it in the latter but I probably would have broken an ankle in the former. We followed the road up the steep hill towards the sanctuary of Guadalupe. We briefly visited the church but as a service was in progress we couldn't view the interior. After the church the road grew increasingly steep and ... read more
Cristo Rey
Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » Sahuayo January 29th 2010

I got quite a welcome to Sahuayo today. It was my first day of work officially as I had a meeting at school with the principal and the director of the school. Colin and I sat through 2 hours of how to plan lessons, mark exams and grade students and got through two packets of biscuits at the same time. Sent of with my contract in hand we were told to return in the afternoon to collect our text books. It was as we were returning we realised the noise on the street was louder than usual and as we walked towards the school we were soon confronted with a major traffic jam...caused by a huge parade. Colin stated calmly that this is quite a regular event and sooner or later there will always be a ... read more
The red team!
The yellow team are coming!
The Green team!

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