AnnaAdventuring's Guestbook

2nd July 2015
Non-Whites Only

Request to use photo
I am in the process of having a book published on South African English. One of the items is the term 'non-white'. Would I be able to use your photo in the book? Thank you.
8th November 2013

We are thinking about going to Vienna
Glad we took the time to read your blog. Great information.
8th March 2013

felicidades por esas fotos tan hermosas de los pelicanos, que lastima que el documental esta en ingles. gracias.
5th July 2012
Interior of Almudena Cathedral

Hi, my name is Ludivina and I live in Austin, Texas. Great blogs with awesome pictures! I started in Sahuayo, Mexico and then Peru. Then. I got too impatient and checked out your award-winning photos. Thanks so very much for sharing.
11th August 2012
Interior of Almudena Cathedral

Thank you so much for your kind comment! It is much appreciated. :) Sadly my blogs have been rather abandoned lately. I hope to update them sometime soon... when I have some long holidays form work :) Nice to hear from you - take care
15th June 2012

Well I must say your writings are wonderful. I am a fellow wanderer trying to document all monuments & tourist spots in India (or most of them) in my blog ( & giving tips about how to avoid touts & fraudsters when in India. Your writing style is certainly an inspiration. Namastey!
8th June 2012

Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio
Just recently saw the movie "For Greater Glory"..he was a very determined boy who stood by his catholic religion.
8th May 2012
African ballet dancer

Spectacular photo
You really took a good one, here. I love the blurred background colours against the sharply-focused subject.
7th May 2012

This photo is great!
18th March 2012

I loved the historical comments
I am in Oaxaca and I want to do a travel blog to share with my friends. I am trying to get ideas about what to share other than pictures. I loved that you shared the history. I plan to get information about Oaxaca's history and share with my family, friends and classmates back in the USA. I will be here until the end of May, so that should give me plenty of time to share lots of things about Oaxaca.
23rd January 2012

Santa Catalina
Very Nice
From Blog: Santa Catalina
29th December 2011

Hehe - well great minds think alike... or all tourists point their cameras at the same things! :)
22nd December 2011

I just took the same photo!
Getting on the blog today I thought I saw my photo and then realized it was another blogger! Excellent photo--I love it!
24th November 2011
African ballet dancer

Beautiful photo Anna!
4th October 2011
View of Lake Camecuaro

Really great pic!!
12th September 2011

Thanks for you kind comment - yes certainly just spending any time with those cubs makes up for any smelly work that had to be done too!
4th September 2011

What a wonderful experience!
Just finished reading all the blogs about your time at Lion Park. The excitement of cub world and giraffe duty would be more than enough compensation for the seemingly constant poo cleaning! Really enjoyed reading about your time there and seeing the wonderful photos - such tremendous memories that will last a lifetime. Thanks for sharing!
3rd June 2011

Looks like Becky!
Trigger looks a lot like my old horse Becky. Your blog brought back many great memories ... thanks!
23rd May 2011

green iguana
Very informative post, I must say. This post is fully encouraging in its own ways and I am confident that it will even succeed in inspiring many people like me.
25th April 2011

wow how beautiful ;-)
18th April 2011

AfricaBound, AsiaBound... soon AmericasBound?? Thanks for your comments... I´m enjoying following you around New Zealand too!
From Blog: Santa Catalina
15th April 2011

great photos
Hi Anna, Your photos are amazing. Love the staircases. great colour! South America is still on our list of places to go, but it will probably be a while before we can get there. Happy travels to Bolivia. Kathie & Jordan
From Blog: Santa Catalina
15th April 2011

I know! Me... writing blogs on time?? What a strange occurance! It helps that I'm living in Arequipa and enjoying just relaxing. However I am shortly off into Boliva and won't be blogging until I'm back 'home' in Arequipa..... I suppose that means I'll be finishing blogs at christmastime! ;) Thanks for your comments as always, and to everyone else too.
From Blog: Santa Catalina
15th April 2011

Some story!
No sweat being a nun then, i say. Hey, Anna, you're on a roll. Got rid of your "backlog" already? This one's an enjoyable read, what with those amazing photos! Love those arches, and the colors too.
From Blog: Santa Catalina

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