Page 4 of AnnaAdventuring Travel Blog Posts

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » Morelia May 23rd 2010

Saturday: As the capital of Michoacan Morelia had long been on my list of places to visit and after a few false starts Theo and I had finally arranged a weekend trip. Tickets bought during our school lunchbreak and bags packed the night before all we had to do was drag ourselves out of bed at 4am. Oh dear. I struggled out of bed and pottered around the kitchen hearing an alarm go off in the next room a few minutes later. 20 minutes later with the alarm still going I decided to try to rouse my apparantly catatonic housemate. I soon learnt that the reason for this was while I'd gone to bed early he'd instead gone out... returning at nearly 3 am and getting a mere hour's sleep before going to catch our 5am ... read more
Balloon seller
View of the cathedral

I decided a visit to the capital wouldn't be complete without a visit to Frida Kahlo's house, so I merrily rode the metro to the right stop... and then not-so-merrily rode it back the other way. I'd picked the one day of the week the museum is shut! I'd planned to spend the afternoon at the Basilica of Guadalupe so I decided to go directly there instead. I hopped around the metro to the correct stop and emerged onto the street in the middle of a little cluster of stalls, all selling things bearing the image of the Virgin Guadalupe. I couldn't see any signs for the Basilica and decided to just follow the nearest street and see if I could catch any glimpse of the church spires. I walked down the nearest street. A large ... read more
The New Basilica
Image of the Virgin
Capuchin Nuns' Temple

I decided to spend today at Teotihuacán. Teotihuacán and Chichen Itza were the two images in my head when I first came to Mexico and I was disapointed not to be able to fit a visit to Mexico City into my Easter travels with my boyfriend. I had a map marked with the route I need to get to the pyramids and decided it was more relaxed going alone than joining the tour at 9. As I walked down the stairs I bumped into Theo coming the other way. The coincidence of us both staying at the same hostel and meeting each other was surprising. He was heading off with his visiting friend for other sightseeing and we agreed to meet up for dinner or if not, see each other back in Sahuayo when we returned ... read more
Piramide del Sol
View of Teotihuacán
Random dog at the ruins

An especially long weekend in honour of 'Cinco de Mayo' meant I finally had the opportunity to visit Mexico City. The Friday before was 'El dia de los ninos' which my students informed me meant I wasn't allowed to make them work in lessons. Even my adult students defended their right to popcorn and DVDs in lesson-time despite the logic that they are paying for English lessons and if they don't want to come one day they are old enough to make the decision to stay at home and put a DVD on themselves. Maybe the lure of free popcorn was too much because nearly all my students attended their lessons and despite my gallent efforts at locating suitable DVDs to offer the choice was unanimous and I had the joy of watching the first half ... read more
Dancer in the Zocalo
Young couple by cathedral doors

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun April 9th 2010

Considering I spent the morning running around on a quest for bus tickets and taxis I was glad to have the afternoon lazing on the beach. I walked to the bus station, caught a taxi back and requested him to return which he did, after we'd been left standing on the dusty street with our bags for more than 20 minutes. Arriving at the bus station we filed onto the second class bus, only to find there wasn't a seat free. We eventually found one space and squeezed the two of ourselves and our bags into the space. We arrived in Cancun and found our hostel. In the earliest colonial sources the island of Cancún was originally known to its Maya inhabitants as Nizuc meaning either "promontory" or "point of grass". In the years after the ... read more
Playa Delphinus, Cancun
Carribean Blue
Playa Delpinus

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Tulum April 8th 2010

On our third day in Tulum we finally set off to visit the ruins. Spectacularly located on a cliff overlooking the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, Tulum is a Mayan settlement which flourished from around 1200 CE until the arrival of the Spanish. The Tulum ruins are the third most visited archaeological site in Mexico after Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza. We took a taxi to the site and were left in a plaza surrounded by market stalls, with people plying their trade and a few costumed dancers drawing a large crowd in the centre. We eventually managed to locate the ticket booth which offered a return trip by bus to the ruins. Unsure about how long a walk we were facing and deciding that in the heat staggering 10 metres might be a challenge we ... read more
Tulum ruins
Iguana and flowers

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Xel-Ha April 7th 2010

We are now in Tulum. The end of our stay in Palenque passed rather uneventfully, and after our last day we opted to take the overnight bus directly to Tulum rather than staying an extra night. Our hostel in Tulum is a bizarre affair. It's a plot of land with three rooms and a semi-outdoor kitchen. The owners live elsewhere and merely dropped us off. We found ourselves the only residents in the strange hostel and bizarrely the entire area of town seems to be a work in progress, with not more than two of the buildings actually looking completed. We passed another uneventful day, walking the dusty road into town for lunch and browsing the seriously overpriced gift shops. The one good thing we did find at our hostel was a leaflet for Xel-Ha, a ... read more
I guess the wildlife doesn't have to pay the entrance fee!

North America » Mexico » Chiapas April 4th 2010

Today has been a long and exhuasting day, and not for the best reasons. Having booked a trip to visit Yaxchilan today we were awake at 5am and sitting on the doorstep by 5.45. To keep my moaning to a minimum, suffice to say we were still sitting there at 7.15 when the reception finally opened. The company had no record of us having booked the trip, the bus had long since departed, they would not offer us any kind of discount and the hostel staff could do nothing to help, and didn't seem hugely bothered anyway. The good news is we're not the only ones this happened to, and the woman responsible for messing up all the bookings was fired....which really helps us a lot! We agreed to change our plans and visit the waterfalls ... read more
Behind the waterfall
In the caves at Misol-Ha
Agua Azul

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque April 3rd 2010

We arrived in Palenque yesterday. Coming out of the bus station we were confronted by a large billboard across the road declaring our hostel to be 10 minutes walk this way. Not wanting to drag our bags we hopped in a taxi. We soon found our hostel at the bottom of 'Hostel Street'. Bizarrely here in Palenque none of the hostels are situated in the actual town but in a seperate traveller's world where hostels and their attached cafes and restaurants line a road surrounded by jungle plants and replica stone statues of Mayan gods and monsters to give it that authentic look! We went into the hostel, walking down a corridor rather like a cave, that smelled remarkably like Colchester Zoo to my mind. We were escorted to our room and for once splurging on ... read more
Temple of the Inscriptions
View of the ruins
Royal Palace

North America » Mexico » Campeche » Campeche April 1st 2010

As our bus to Campeche was due to depart until 12 we had a fairly leisurely start to the day. A relaxed breakfast sampling the never ending supply of tropical fruit provided by the staff, a prolonged visit to the internet cafe downstairs and a final pack in our room. We took a taxi to the bus station were soon settling onto our comfy Primera Plus bus. The bus trip wasn't too long and by mid-afternoon we had arived in Campeche, taken a very short taxi ride to our 'Pirate Hostel' and dragged our bags into reception where we were greeted by a skeleton in a pirate's hat and a room full of seafaring memorabilia. After a couple of minutes we were also greeted by a member of staff who showed us to our room...across a ... read more
The City Walls
View of the church
Locals in Campeche

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