Page 3 of AnnaAdventuring Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague July 20th 2010

Waking (relatively) early we breakfasted and walked to the metro. Since we trekked the length of Wenceslas Square twice yesterday our feet were already aching and despite the assurances of the hostel owner that Prague Castle is in walking distance we opted to make life a little easier on ourselves. We got off the metro at a pretty square and set off for the castle. We walked along the street and found some beautiful gardens below the castle, but unfortunately they didn't offer access to the castle itself and we had to backtrack. Finding the right route we began a steep uphill walk. Marching across stone in flimsy sandals in the heat of the sun wasn't the most relaxing beginning to our day of sightseeing. As we climbed higher we began to see the view of ... read more
View of pretty gardens
Vitus Cathedral
By St George's Basilica

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Old Town July 19th 2010

'Gate number...... ok, where are we?' 'You're in Stansted love!' came the cheerful reply from a nearby traveller looking far too perky for 4am as my sister and I gathered ourselves from the airport floor. Having spent half the year in Mexico and already having a job in Spain lined up for the new term I wasn't really thinking about travelling over the summer holidays. Fortunately my sister had other ideas and took charge of arranging a trip to Prague for a few days. Sitting in my room in Mexico I had aquiesced and left her to make all the descions. Thus I found myself leaving home, so early in the morning it hardly seemed worth having gone to bed, less than two weeks after arriving home from Mexico! On arrival we were met by the ... read more
Powder Gate
The astronomical clock
St. Nicholas Church

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » Sahuayo July 6th 2010

Time flies when you're having fun. I remember, somewhere near the beginning of my stay in Mexico, sitting on the bed in my new room and thinking 'I'm going to be sitting here, in the same place, in 6 months time thinking where did the time go?'. So obviously my psychic abilities are improving because that's exactly what I've done! I don't know where the time has gone. I can look back at a list of places I've been to and know I've seen alot of the country, I can flick through hundreds of photos and see all the things I have done and people I've met; but the daily life in Sahuayo seems to have slipped by so fast and what I am really going to miss is my life here in Mexico; my friends, ... read more
In the plaza
View from my window
The shoes Sahuayo is famous for

North America » Mexico » Guanajuato » Guanajuato July 3rd 2010

Today I planned to visit a few museums and when I tired of that resort to my back up plan of 'wander aimlessly round the teeny streets and take photos of random churches and people's front doors and things'. I began the day with a visit to the Museo Casa Diego Rivera. Following my map I located the red fronted house and gained entry, although unfortunately my camera did not. The downstairs is set up as a museum showing how the house should have looked when the Riveras lived there. Diego Rivera was born in 47 Positos Street and lived within the house until the age of six when the family moved to Mexico City. The upper floors of the museum house various works of Diego Rivera. I walked through the house until at the very ... read more
House of Diego Rivera
In the Don Quixote museum

North America » Mexico » Guanajuato » Guanajuato July 2nd 2010

When I booked my flights to Mexico I included time after the end of term in order to have the opportunity to travel further afield than I could for weekend breaks. Towards the end of term as weekends starting running out and my return home was drawing near I started to plan the places I wanted to visit that I had not seen and for my final week in Mexico I had quite an itinerary planned. It is now my final week in Mexico and instead of enthusiastically leaping out of bed to hop on a bus and visit somewhere new I am wallowing in travel-apathy. It's not necessarily a bad thing. While the temperture has cooled off and the sky has been overcast of late I have also been ill and since the other teachers ... read more
Statue symbolising peace
Interior of the basilica

North America » Mexico » Zacatecas » Zacatecas June 27th 2010

We started our day sightseeing at the Rafael Coronel Museum. We walked the already familiar route from the hostel and along the central road until we reached the ruins. We found the tiny ticket office and I bizarrely had to give up my handbag and camera bag before gaining entry to the monastary complex. The Rafael Coronel Museum occupies the ruins of the Convento de San Francisco, built in 1567, which was the first Franciscan convent in the province of Zacatecas. The construction was authorized by Pedro de Ayala, Bishop of Nueva Galicia (Guadalajara). The Templo, or church part of the convent, burned down 80 years after the convent was built but was quickly rebuilt in 1648. The Franciscan Convento was closed in 1856, along with many other religious facilities around the country. The complex was ... read more
Carvings on the arches
 Rafael Coronel Museum

North America » Mexico » Zacatecas » Zacatecas June 26th 2010

We started our morning sitting on a wall opposite the taxi collection point in the early morning sunlight, sharing our breakfast of bread and biscuits with the local pigeons. When the taxi pulled up we clambered in with a few other people and set off for the first point on our tour - the Cerra de la bufa. This is one of the most important symbols of the city and was the scene of the Battle of Zacatecas which occurred in 1914 during the Mexican Revolution. The rebel forces of Francisco Villa fought against the government forces of Victoriano Huerta for control of the city the taking of which would clear the way to Mexico City for the rebels. The rebels were eventually victorious and claimed the city. We walked past a very impressive looking zip ... read more
Statue of Pancho Villa
Chapel of the Virgen del Patrocinio
Interior of the chapel

North America » Mexico » Zacatecas » Zacatecas June 25th 2010

The end of term has come and gone and the last day disappeared in the usual whirl of films and popcorn, games and goodbyes. Most of the students made an effort to come in for the last day and stayed for the entire lesson (a.k.a. party) I had fun with each class and students and teachers alike were wandering in and out of each other's classes saying goodbyes and joining in with various activities. Today was technically the last day of term, minus the students. Students were able to come and pick up their report cards from the school if they had not already done so, and us teachers cleared out our classrooms and returned our teaching books and CDs. I was soon free to leave and said my semi-goodbyes to the school and principal although ... read more
Rafael Coronel Museum
Rafael Coronel Museum
View of Zacatecas

North America » Mexico » Michoacán » Lago de Camecuaro June 20th 2010

It's been getting towards the end of term and as well as working out what sightseeing I still need to squeeze in I've been considering if there are any places I want to revisit before I leave Mexico. Lake Camecuaro was at the top of my list and it seemed like the perfect way to spend a relaxing Saturday after a busy week at school. The World Cup seems to have ensured the students are all hyper, and also has resulted in a few lessons being cancelled which in some cases is a relief and in others has me panicking how I'll get the students to the end of the courses with less class time. Thursday was one such day as Mexico had game. I sauntered into school after a cancelled lesson to find the others ... read more
View of Lake Camecuaro
Lake Camecuaro

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Mazamitla June 5th 2010

Another Saturday and another opportunity to travel. School has been busy and the weekends seem more appealing as an opportunity to laze about and relax rather than hop on another bus. Still, now I have visited Mexico City and Morelia there seems to be less urgency to travel and I am looking forward to just enjoying the end of the term and spending some time at home before leaving. I did however set off for Mazamitla today as the zip wiring was still on my Mexican to do list. I walked to the bus station and inquired about the next bus. The man working there was eager to tell me that he speaks a little English and on learning I was from England exclaimed how far it is and asked if I had family in Mexico. ... read more
Interior of Church
View of Mazamitla
Zip wiring

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