Blogs from Nonhyon-dong, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong July 21st 2015

I just had a blast in South Korea where I spent 2 weeks visiting family and friends. I am still a bit jet lagged as I just walked in the door of my house 2 hours ago but I dont want to sleep yet as to not mess up my sleep schedule. I wanted to write while I was there but they were so many things to do that I just didn't get the chance. All I can say is that I must have gained 10 pounds while I was there because it seems that this is all I was doing. Everyone in my family was commenting on how skinny I am and that they must not be feeding me in the US. I even went to a baseball game to see the Doosan Bears play ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong June 23rd 2010

Apologies for my mysterious disappearance. Honestly, I hadn't had much going on until this past weekend other than my KAPS volunteer work (I'll get into that in a few minutes). With warm weather and a steady income, I also have somehow stumbled onto some sort of regular social life. Go figure! ;) Anyway, this weekend, I holed up with Kate in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. I was in desperate need to get out of Daegu (not that I didn't just get out last month, I know). I booked a late-night KTX on Friday night and got into Seoul around 12:30. We spent Friday night in Gangnam, hitting up the Rainbow room, and just hanging out. Then, we decided to go to bed early for our adventure the following day: Yongsan Market. Yongsan Market is a majestic place. Just ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong October 6th 2008

Today i woke up at 7 o clock. I felt really tired. my legs were shaking. Suddenly i reminded china trip with my friends and teacher when i was in grade 9. I was very sick that time so my friends and teachers were helped me and be nice to me. I want my dad to help me... my bag was soooooo heavy.. We start climb up the mountain from the morning. Wow. It was raining. i couldnt believed it.. but there is no other method to go out from the mountain if we dont climb up the hill. I wanted to cry. Bag was heavy and i felt hungry but i wanted to go home. I gained energy from chocolate and i climb up the hill. I was singing and dancing while climbing up the ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong August 9th 2008

If you ever visit Seoul, South Korea; you must shop by Dr. Fish Cafe and enjoy a foot pedicure. The cost is $2.00 or 2,000 won, but the catch is you have to buy a cup of Coffee. The price of coffee is the same as starbucks, but you get to eat all the fresh bake bread that you want. The bread comes straight out of the oven, so becareful and let it cool down a little. For the price of $2.00 or 2,000won, you get a foot pedicure for 15 minutes. The pedicure consist of a whole bunch of small fishes eating the dead skin off you feet. The first time you place your feet in the tub, the fish seem to tickle your feet, but actually they are eating the dead skin. Me and ... read more
Our Group..

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong May 7th 2008

Our Family woke up at 6 o clock in the morning. It was still raining out side, i was too lazy to go out. It was early and the weather was not very good. Anyway because of my dad, we had to go out in the rain. We were holding an umbrella. My umbrella is rainbow color, it is very pretty. I went outside, everyone was holding different kinds of umbrella. I don't know why but i just felt lonely and sad. Anyway today we can travel around the city in china with my dad. I am happy enough. We were planning to go Huang Shan by airplane but it was heavy raining so airplane couldn't fly. We changed our mind and we took bus. But it takes 4hours to go there. I felt quite freaky ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong March 7th 2008

To make a good trip, people usually plan because there are a lot of things that can be the problems in the trip. how you don't know about the place of trip is important problem. this should be high. because travel's good point is giving the fresh shock. For example, If you go to the familiar place where already you know all about the place, that can be the trip? that can give you pleasure? this is not the only important thing. speed also is the problem. both slow trip and fast trip have merits. but fast trip can be able to be the just watching and getting around strange place. so slow trip is the real journey.... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong October 10th 2007

Well hello everyone, Sorry I haven't written in a few days, we've been super busy. Monday we visted two schools and were given excellent tours. It was amazing and I have a ton of pictures to show everyone. The first school was 1st grue tade through 6th grade and it was a public school. There were 840 students attending, however, everything was surprisingly organized. They have 36 students to a class and the classes are split into two... 18 students on one side being taught in English and then the other 18 were being taught in Korean. The length of time in class is 80 minutes at a time. Their school day starts at 8:00am and ends at 4:00pm. After that many of the children will catch a bus and go to another school which ends ... read more
Me and the Kids
The Whole Group
The group & the parents

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong October 5th 2007

Hello Everyone, Well yesterday we traveled to the Coex convention center to check out our booth. It is awesome!! I will take pictures of it today all decorated so that everyone can see! The colors on the buildings are amazing. Everything is so bright and vibrant... All of the bridges have color changing lights that illuminate the sky beautifully. All of the women were high heels with everything and all of the men wear business suits. We took the subway to the convention center which is attached to this GIANT mall... At the subway, during rush hours they have people they call pushers that will literally push all of the people into te subway so that the doors can close!! Clothes are very expensive here, and everything is a brand name with english writing if any. ... read more
The entry of the hotel

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong October 5th 2007

Hello To all!!! Well that was probably the longest plane ride I have ever been on!! I think we arrived at about 1:40am our time and it was 4:40pm local time. It was another hour until we got to the hotel from the airport!!! LONG!! Traffic was horrible, but at last we made it. I think everyone had a hard time sleeping even though we were all so exhausted. We are staying in a beautiful hotel I will upload some pictures when I can. All of the ceilings are high and the wood whether it be on the walls, floor, or furniture is absolutely goregeous!! I miss you all terribly and as soon we figure out the international cell phone that we rented I will try to call. We are getting ready to head out into ... read more
The trip here

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong July 23rd 2007

Its hard to believe that I have been here for five months already! The time has flown by and I have a lot of new things to update. July has come and almost gone now but it brought in some unbelievable heat. Which isn't too bad until you factor in the humidity! Somedays its been 32 degrees with 94% humidity...makes for some very sweaty days and unbearable children. The current temperature is 26 degrees with 79% humidity making it feel like 36 degrees. Needless to say I am grateful for my air conditioning and am looking to make friends with a fan salesmen. Its been a bit crazy around here with weather, kids, and preparation for holidays. This week we are only teaching half days because our kindergarten kids are on holidays for two weeks. ... read more
Gyeongbokgung Palace
Gyeongbokgung Palace
Gyeongbokgung Palace

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