Trip 3

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong
October 6th 2008
Published: October 6th 2008
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Today i woke up at 7 o clock. I felt really tired. my legs were shaking. Suddenly i reminded china trip with my friends and teacher when i was in grade 9. I was very sick that time so my friends and teachers were helped me and be nice to me. I want my dad to help me... my bag was soooooo heavy..

We start climb up the mountain from the morning. Wow. It was raining. i couldnt believed it.. but there is no other method to go out from the mountain if we dont climb up the hill. I wanted to cry. Bag was heavy and i felt hungry but i wanted to go home. I gained energy from chocolate and i climb up the hill.

I was singing and dancing while climbing up the hill. Just walking is quite boring and it is more tiring. I saw many different kinds of tree. But the name was all Chinese so i couldn't actually read..hahahahaha
There was little boys climbing up the hill with trees. It looked so heavy. But they had to work. In the morning they start climb up the hill with those heavy trees because on top of the mountain there is hotel and they require trees and glasses to make a better hotel. And those boys have to earn money so they have to work hard. I wanted to help them but i couldn't. They didnt want people to look at them with those eyes which makes them feel bad.

And Finally i arrived at the summit(1864m). I took many pictures and i screamed very loudly. I was proud of my self that i walked so much and arrived at the summit. I tried my best to go there and it was very beautiful.

We could take cable car and go down to the mountain. I felt really good. I was afraid of going down by walking because there are like more than one million stairs. But i could sit on the cable car and look around the mountain.

We went to airport straight away and we came back to Guang Zhou. Our family were all very tired. My driver asked me "Are you okay?" i was laughing so much. Now i am very happy. Of course i liked to travel around with my family but i think......... home is the best place in the world.


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