we made it

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong
October 5th 2007
Published: October 5th 2007
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Hello To all!!!

Well that was probably the longest plane ride I have ever been on!! I think we arrived at about 1:40am our time and it was 4:40pm local time. It was another hour until we got to the hotel from the airport!!! LONG!! Traffic was horrible, but at last we made it. I think everyone had a hard time sleeping even though we were all so exhausted. We are staying in a beautiful hotel I will upload some pictures when I can. All of the ceilings are high and the wood whether it be on the walls, floor, or furniture is absolutely goregeous!! I miss you all terribly and as soon we figure out the international cell phone that we rented I will try to call.

We are getting ready to head out into the big beautiful city and explore. I love you all and will try to update this again later today... (It's only 8:23am here)

I love you ALL!!!!


P.S. If there is someone who I have forgotten to email please forward this.

Thanks! Come Sab Meda!

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5th October 2007

Hi Sweetheart, Everything and everyone is fine, except that we all miss you and love you. I'm on my way to go get the babies. I will show this blog to them so send us some pics and a feww lines and let us know what you are up to. Talk to you soon. Love, us.

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