Walking, walking and more walking

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August 29th 2017
Published: August 29th 2017
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Hola everyone, we certainly hope you aren't sick of the blogs but there is just so much to see and, selfishly, it is good for us to keep a record of our wonderful holiday. This is serving as a warning that today has been another full day so ... time to get a drink or hit delete!

This time we went on a walking tour around the different districts of Barcelona - the Gothic quarter, Jewish quarter, the old city and El Ravel to name but a few. The good news is that we saw so much that it all became a bit confusing so the detail will be minimal.

The highlight of the day, apart from a fabulous Catalonian meal was a visit to the Iberian Jamon Museum after the tour. As an aside Mike thinks the Italians and Spanish have a Museum for everything - ham, shoes (saw that on our walk today) and chocolate - yet to find!! There was a 3D media presentation that followed the whole process through from the birth of the 1kg Iberian piglets until they reach 150kg (all free range) to produce a 14kg leg of ham that becomes a 7kg leg of Jamon. There are 6 different grades of Jamon depending on the type of pig, weight, etc. Fascinating.

Before I finish (I did warn you) just a couple of bloopers from today:

We thought our guide (Jose - how very Spanish) was speaking about an "obscene" bar on our tour and we were quite surprised he kept talking about how it was now run by the municipality of Barcelona since the building was refurbished, etc, etc. He had been with his mates but limits himself to two drinks because they are so strong. We were wondering what on earth was in those drinks until we realised he was talking about "absinthe" - we were somewhat relieved.

Mike went out to buy a bottle of wine for a little aperitivo and when I asked what it was he said he wasn't sure as he couldn't read the fine print. You guessed it - a Chardonnay from "Southern Australia" - and not a very good one at that!!!

That is MORE than enough for one day, you are amazing if you have persevered.

Buenas Noches dear friends.

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30th August 2017

pleased to hear you are loving Barcelona. Amazing city eh!!! I am enjoying your blogs, and smiling xx

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