Bangkok to Chumphon

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October 31st 2006
Published: October 31st 2006
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London - Beijing - Shanghai - Xián - Chengdu - Guilin/Yangshou - Shenzhen - Hong Kong/Macau - Bangkok - Chumphon - Koh Tao

Hello everyone,

Well we made it safely through China and arrived in Bangkok on Saturday night. A very nice start to the proceedings was our chauffeur driven pick up from the airport to the Millenium Hilton Bangkok. We arrived there at around 7pm and the giggling began then. I can safely stay that we have never stayed in a hotel anywhere near this standard before. It was superb. The people for a start were amazing, I think we saw more smiles within 10 minutes that we saw the whole time we were in HK. Our room on the 23rd floor was beautiful with a wall width window giving us a 180° view of the river. To put it into perspective, as Sam said, it made Cowley Manor look like Greasy Joe's!
Once we had calmed down a bit and our bags were, naturally, delivered to our room, we ventured down to the riverside restaurant where we were treated to some fantastic food enjoyed in candle light and a gorgeous warm breeze! Very romantic!!
The following day, (SAM'S BIRTHDAY), 11 hours sleep later, we made our way to the spa to enjoy some lovely indulgent treatments and decided that we were moving in! The afternoon was spent at the beach pool on the fourth floor. I had a wander round to cool down after an hour and idly commented to one of the staff how warm it was. Within about 30 seconds we had ice cold peppermint face towels delivered to us poolside incase we weren't quite relaxed enough!
Whilst we were getting ourselves glammed up for Sam's birthday meal there was a knock at the door and gorgeous chcolate cake arrived! We decided to leave it for the post-cocktail munchies!
We opted for the buffet at dinner which meant you could have pretty much anything you could dream of that you wanted to eat! Our selection included sushi, salads, shellfish, smoked salmon, fillet steak, roast lamb, thai red curry, wontons, spring rolls, soup, foie gras, baked chicken, noodle soup and more mini desserts than you can shake a stick at! I know what you're thinking....fat b@#$ards but we really only had tiny portions of each! After dinner, cocktails were calling so we made our way to the Zeta bar on the third floor for champagne cocktails and martinis. The best ever!! We were good girls though and went to bed by 1am.
With no hangover (how?) we took the Hilton boat across the river to book our train tickets for Chumphon, the stop to catch the ferry to Koh Tao. Very helpful people directed us to a TAT office where we booked our train and ferry but I think we may have paid slightly over the odds so will try to decline the friendly advice next time.
On the last night in Bangkok we had a lazy night and enjoyed room service and the novelty of having an iron in the room. Complete repack for both of us and we're on our way to the beach!!!
Here we are now in Chumphon. Really straight forward train journey from Bangkok apart from the 'we're not going to make it' taxi ride from the hotel. We've booked ourselves into a 150baht per room hostel just to rest ou heads before we get the ferry to Koh Tao at 7am. We're now considering doing our 4 day PADI qualifications while we're here. Seemed like a good idea because then we can dive anywhere else we go.
So that's all for now. We'll updated the HK entry with photos so you can see the delights of the Chunk King Mansions for yourselves!
News from the islands soon!

Route Map 2

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Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


31st October 2006

Now there is a place I could stay....
Finally you are in a place where I can safely say I'd be happy in!!! The other places you can keep - bet there were no feet marks on the toilets in there!!!! Happy belated birthday Sam, glad to hear you had a wonderful time there and thoroughly spoilt!! The cake and food looked amazing! Loving all your piccies too, keep showing them to my work friends so we can be jealous together!!! PS - did you remember to pack the chinese baby for me.....?
31st October 2006

im so jealous!
Hey guys sounds like you're having an amazing time! The Hilton looks unbelieveable!! I am exceedingly jealous as my life recently has been as dull as dishwater! (Other than Dave moving in obviously ha ha!) Anyway keep the pics coming and have fun!!! Love Han x x
1st November 2006

lardy pants
Hola girlies, Wow-the food looks amazing! I thought you were meant to be skanky, sweaty backpackers? Nowhere in my knowledge of such activities do people stay in posh hotels with peppermint face towels and cakes and pools. It is freezing here today, can I come and stay with you on the beach??? Angus did the PADI and advanced PADI qualifications when he was in Thailand and loved it. Apparently it is the cheapest place in the world to do it so get a move on ladies. He was really upset cause he didn't see the shark all the others saw-weirdo! Just don't go and watch Jaws anytime soon. Ta-ra Sarah xxx
4th November 2006

Now I'm even more jealous
Missing you both lots, but am so glad you're having such an amazing time. I loved Koh Tao, did my PADI diving there too and I highly recommend it. You won't get it cheaper anywhere else!! Happy belated birthday Sam.....carry on keeping us up to date as much as you can xxxx
6th November 2006

Where are you now?
Hi ladies. Where are you now? We need an update to relieve the hum drum of our boring little lives (well, mine anyway!) Hope you're both well xxx Rach x PS Keep buying shoes, it is what life is all about!

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