Calgary Stampede

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July 15th 2017
Published: July 22nd 2017
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On Friday Jul 15 we drove from Elk Island National Park to Calgary. This was one of the busiest highways we encountered. We camped on the outskirts of Calgary and took a shuttle into the Calgary Stampede for the chuck wagon races and evening entertainment show/fireworks. Jann Arden was the MC for the entertainment show. Due to the crazy crowds and traffic it took us 2 hours to get back to our campsite. The next day we decided to take the C-Train into the Stampede. We had tickets to the Rodeo. Finley loved it all but the bull riding was his favourite.There were over 140,000 on the Stampede grounds. The prime Minister was in attendance but kept a low profile. I got a couple of pictures of security on roof top with my camera zoom lens. By 6pm were were tired and headed back to the campground. Finley bought a cowboy hat and lasso. Maybe he will add a bull to his Christmas wish list 😊.

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Bull RidingBull Riding
Bull Riding

Finley's Favourite

24th July 2017

Calgary Stampede is on my bucket list! :-)

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