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October 27th 2006
Published: October 27th 2006
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Started the proceedings with whar was billed as a Geordies vs The Rest f the World but in reality was 4 drunken Northerners versus 2 drunken southerners plus Kev..On the beachI was nearly sick after opening the scoring and spent the rest of the match hovering between goalkeeper and outfield leadweight..Northerners won 10-9 witha charitable but dubious last goal but we were all too hot, tired, sick to continue..I'm happy to report the Pacific is as blue as it is in my went the big waves and the serious undercurrents..pelicans flew over the water ina scene reminiscent of jurassic Park as Andy nearly lost his trousers to a vicious wave..decided to retire to the relative safety of the Best Western hotel where we sat near the pool for a few hours..Started to read one of the books I have with me...Fear and loathing in Las Veas (courtesy of Tom Steadman...) was still deliberating whether 'to Vegas or not to Vegas' on account of my dwindling funds but fortunately managed to get a lift to Vegas on Monday and a return to San Francisco (more Road Tripping) onWed-Fri...long amy my luck continue...also managed to get a sub for cash which I can pay back when i get back home from...YAY!!
Note to self..must eat some California raisins (even though i don't like any raisins..I'm a big fan of their music..)

Day 6
Seem to have missed a day..Not sure if yesterday was day six..time travels so slowly here...did find out that the place where Moocha's getting married was the place where J-Lo and Ben Affleck were going to get married..until Kev trumped that with it was the place where JFk and Jackie Bouvier (and later Onassis) were engaged..

day 7
Finally found an internet cafe..had breakfast wit Dutch beauties Romjin and her friend whose name i forget..had a walk along the peir saw a guy making a sand woman compelte with sunglasses who i'm pretty sure was in a scene fom jaws..had the song 'Spanish laides' from the boat scene in jaws playing round my head n the pier...a humourous homeless guy had a few towelz a toy lion with a few signs saying 'please feed the lion he is hungry' and 'why Lie? need beer!' took a photo for a couple was a little perturbed when the guy gave me the camera and said 'thanks man it's almost idiot proof!' wondered what he meant by 'almost' was half tempted to cut their heads off in the photo bu didn't...
Note to self go fishing off the pier in teh morning $5 hire a rod for an hour..
they do piratecruises from teh mad seeing a stretch limo parked nearby..wondered if Edward Teach would ransack that if he was around nowadays..I know now why the Beach Boys sang a song about California Girls! two went passed on a bike and one to the other said ' is my butt okay?' wondering if her white jeans were getting dirty..Looked okay from where i was standing let me tell you..There's a peace store in town..I guess they sell peace (when it opens).. only in California... Nightmare B4 Xmas is playing at the local cinema..we're going dressed as pirates to a halloween party on'd think it was xmas with all the pumpkins and paraphernalia about...


27th October 2006

you were made for cali
abe what a hol sounds bliddy fantastic you lucky bugger
28th October 2006

Never mind the footy...
Have you scored yet off the pitch??? Hope the wedding goes well and give my regards to Moocha and his good lady! Tell Mark and Andy they haven't missed a game yet - rain stopped play this week... Enjoy, stay cool and fly high my friend!
30th October 2006

Hallow Rob Roy just hit Vegas!!!...I'm trying to win my airfare here to take a trip round the world to win the heart of the woman of my dreams in Oz...All I have to do is follow the Yellow Brick Road apparently..
1st November 2006

glad you made it back mate..was hoping to catch up with you but we got in really late..took a detour via Hollywood..hope you enjoyed yourself... and see you soon..give my love to Jo and guys...

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