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September 15th 2016
Published: June 17th 2017
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Geo: 43.4403, 13.6074

Had a great sleep last night on a very rare soft bed. Up at 7.30am to enjoy breakfast and met the other Aussies at the B&B. Unfortunately we chatted for an hour so didn't get on the road until 930am.

Jasper directed me to the nearest beach, Spiaggia di Scossicci, only 8 minutes away. The gravel was very rough on the feet but the water was beautiful and very warm. Back in the car and I drove through various towns on the Riviera del Conero including Porto Recanati, Numana, Siroli and Baia Di Porto-Novo. Most beaches are pay beaches providing towels and loungers. I gave those a miss. No one needs to see my white skin.

Enjoyed a nice lunch in Sirolo, without wine, and returned to find a parking ticket on my windshield. First ticket in my life! Damn. I thought I had one hour parking but obviously didn't read the Italian correctly. So I needed to work out how to pay in order to return to the country in future without an outstanding warrant. I found a policeman who directed me to the bank and I paid my fee. Felt a bit deflated after that.

I headed
Hazy dayHazy dayHazy day

The beaches are gravel but the water is beautiful and clear. Very warm.
back to Loreto via some tiny, almost gravel, back roads. I was getting nervous but figured Jasper must be right so continued. I did end up at home, and assume I was taken on the most direct route including short cuts through farming areas and housing estates. Was actually VERY nervous.

This afternoon I had a siesta and am now enjoying my aperitivo ($3 wine).

Bloody hell, something just nipped my toe under the table. A dove. Is that good luck? JoJo will know.

Now the Basilica bells are ringing. On the hour every hour. It sounds so beautiful. I wonder if Mr Mayor can be convinced to install some bells at CoJ. Global, bold... It would remind me to go home each evening.

Last night in Loreto tonight and as a creature of habit I will return to last night's restaurant. May even order the same meal.

So I went back to my restaurant. Different waiter but great food. I got a little teary over dinner, looking out at the view and thinking what it would be like to share the experience (no, not with you Leso). Anyway, seemed to do the trick. Free dessert, chocolates and wine! So G, if you see the glassy eyes coming, don't worry, it may be work out well at our next dinner.


15th September 2016

Don't worry, Sarah took us on an interesting track today too. And if teary works and we get freebies then I'm all for it....

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