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October 23rd 2006
Published: October 23rd 2006
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DAY 1 (in a comedy Geordie accent..errr I mean mine)

They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...Well if the Lloyds bank machine at London Bridge is a portent for what lies in store..I'm going to have to watch what I ate my card as I was making my way to gatwick...the b******...

so I found an apple store...IPOD NANOs $199 dollars...that's not too much different although it is the 4GB version..the security guy is eyeballing me now..cos I've been on this machine more than ten minutes... he's coming over...phew he's passed..just had an argument/friendly discussion with a couple of guys in a hat shop...looking for a travelling hat..thinking about getting a red SF baseball cap...and that's where the argument began...that's a football hat sir..Err...Call me old fashioned I said but I' swear that 's a baseball sir that's a football hat..least what we call fottoball over there is your baseball a double take moment I said they look the same...anyway after we went through every permutation including his definition of a 'hat' which we both agreed was some item of clothing to where on one's head...he wouldn't accept that the 'football' hats were actually 'baseball style' hats with football logos...and I wouldn't accept they were football hats...I didn't buy one..I'm going back later for another argument...and maybe a hat..Saw a guy in a pink suit and hat singing in the steet...SAn Fran is full of characters..swear I saw chef from south park this morning..if some thieving bastard hadn't stole the digi camera you could have agreed with me... Sat next to Nebraska Bob on the flight..from Minneapolis to SF..saw a blood red lake...straght out of the horror film I've been working on...pointed out the Rockies to Nebraska Bob who gets the award for pointing out the bleedingly obvious when he said 'Look like mountains' ..Yeah Bob..they'll be mountains..he's not from nebraska but we were flying over it...I must have give $5 to beggars, man they're every twenty paces...still I'm getting directions from them...making them work for thir money..still haven't found any of my mates.saw a serious looking Black yout' knitting at the airport...spanning the genre's obviously..I'm not saying all American's are huge but the first guy I saw looked like the Refrigerator..USA is teh only place I know with a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in the Airport duty free area...which reminds me of breakfast this morning..."feeding time at the zoo" resisted the temptation to go all American with chocolate covered donuts for breakfast...

There was a women on teh plane looked like Michael Caine and Dennis Taylor's secret love child...I have never seen a pair of glasses so big and square...She made Mr MacGoo look like he's wearing contact lenses..also saw a life size Betty least someone dressed ina giant Betty Boop papier mache head..that freaked me out slightly..Delares tried to get me to adopt a child on Powell Street...I've been a mostly Yes Man so far maybe that's why the Lloyds machine took my card...Fate saving me from spending next month wages in Vegas...stil haven't met my friends yet...Andy and Jo are coming now...they arrive tomorrow so Road Trip YEEHAA!!! is back on!!! Woohoo!!!
Ciao for now folks


23rd October 2006

you lucky man
I left my heart in san francisco (1980) when we played at the Berkley campus and the I-Beam (great gig)'s an amazing city and the food's to die for!! Lots of drugs casualties on the streets though (may be different now). Have a fab trip Abe. Send us a postcard. All the best from Ros.
24th October 2006

Don't take any crap from those hatmen.
Deeay Wonn, nayn fifteyn eya emm, an' Abra'am's figh'in over hats. Round one to Abraham in AK vs USA. Have a chocolate-covered donut to celebrate.
24th October 2006

I'm sorry that's just a noise...
25th October 2006

chess i bet you've never played in those surroundings before, sounds like you are having agood time. keepintouch

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