Snap goes the cable, snap, snap, snap!

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June 12th 2017
Published: June 12th 2017
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We woke to the alarm as usual but not the same jump to get going this morning. Everyone's starting to feel a little weary after 600kms of desert riding and sapping heat. Despite that we're ready to go at 6:30am with Tom in the RV for the first drive. Just as we take off Dave says his gears won't change properly. We all have a bit of a look and as we're adjusting it the gear cable snaps. That's a problem, a big problem. Out comes the tool kit and Dave even thought to bring spare cables but we can't get the cable out of the gear shifter. Change of plan, Dave does the driving to start with and Tommy is on the road, we think about if there,s a bike shop in Cortez where we end up tonight. The wind has been howling all night, but it's not exactly behind us today, more a cross wind making things difficult. We do the 40 kms to Bluff and see there is an historic fort which we decide to have a look at. While we are there we notice a tool shop and Dave gets his bike out and manages to replace his gear cable. Catastrophe averted!We spend probably about an hour at the fort, by this time the wind is howling and more into our faces. Rather than slog it out, we decide to all jump into the RV and head to four corners, where the borders of Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico all meet. There is absolutely nothing else around this place for miles and miles. When we get there there is a queue to take a photo on the corner plaque that would be about an hour long. In stead of waiting we casually wander past the plaque as people are changing over and take a few snaps. Done, now time to get back on the bikes. The wind is now at our backs and quite strong. We have 60kms to Cortez, Dave will ride the lot and the rest of us will do 40kms each. We are riding on a plateau for the most part and there is no from the wind at all. Large messa ridges border the plateau. The scenery and colours are magnificent.Once we arrive at Cortez we find the local bike shop to stock up on tubes, and a few other essentials like butt cream. Dave in particular has a sore tail feather and no one is prepared to rub it for him. Cortez is known as the Gateway to the Rockies. Looking around there are some monster mountains around (some over 4000m) and we'll be climbing a few of them over the next couple of days.

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13th June 2017

you can do it !
Hi Amigos, Found your blog. You can do it ! Enjoyed reading and wishing you all good luck and smooth riding. PS. I will be in the USA soon, but unfortunately, looks like will miss you. Not sure if you are heading through Denver although that will be cooler riding for you than the southern route possibly and Grand Junction to Denver route I heard is spectacular. We'll be in an automobile, (how easy is that?) and we'll be in Vail around 4th July and Denver abouts up until 7th July (then we fly to New York). Do you have any idea what date you are scheduled to arrive in Baltimore? We expect you will all be in Tour De France shape by that stage. :-) Keep up the good work and blogging. Best Regards John Scanlon
17th June 2017

Hi John, we're leaving Colorado tomorrow and continuing through Kansas. Might get to Baltimore on the 8th or 9th of July. Or Washington. Our plans are gelatinous.

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