"When in Rome..........."

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence
October 16th 2006
Published: October 16th 2006
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Good evening everyone!

How are you all? Well, Em and i arrived to Florence today, this afternoon infact. Rome or 'Roma,' is an intriguing city. You need only walk down the street to be met with thousands of years of history. From the Pantheon, to the Colloseum, the trevvi fountain, to the Santa Maria! Also to a placed called the 'Acra Sacra,' which is basically Roman ruins. Em and I were surprised and delighted to discover it was covered with cats! All sorts of types, even 3 legged ones! Turns out that it is a cat orphanage and that you can adopt a cat daily. Lucky we were in Rome cos I think I would have walked out with 10 otherwise!

Today we visited the Vatican after going to St. Peter's Basillica yesterday for mass. The vatican was closed sun, so we ventured early this morning and queued for 2 hours! The line ended up being km's long, anyone venturing to Rome arrive early! Was amazing though, I struggle to find words that can describe such a place. The rooves were the most fascinating, in particular in the Sistene Chapel. The detail is just unbelievable. A definate must see!

Anyone travelling to Rome, please let me know as I can suggest what to see and what not to bother to save you time! (Mary and Lance I've got you covered!) The only problem with Rome is the hawkers and copious amounts of men that approach you. We later discovered that the not so pleasant side of Rome is near the Termini station where we were staying. Other parts of Rome where much more beautiful.

In our time in Rome we also travelled to Naples, well DO NOT GO! Scariest place, Em and I arrived and immediately tried to figure out how to leave. We'd heard so many great stories about Naples and the Amalfi Coast, but oh no! There was dirty men, dirty syringes on the floor, homeless people everywhere, just very unsafe. Since it was only a day trip we jumped onto the first ferry leaving the joint and went to Sorrento! Well this was great, I'm told Amalfi is better. We got a tan!! Sitting on the 'beach,' which is a whole other story and I'm trying to keep my blogs shorter! Very beautiful though and to cut a long story short, we missed our ferry as it turns out there are 2 ports!! So we enjoyed some vino and antipasto instead before returning to our temporary home, Rome!

As far as Roma night life, we ventured out friday evening after our Naples mishap. We allowed "Lonely Planet," to guide us. We then carefully selected the number one nightclub with Italy's finest DJ's and left. After much wandering we found this night club strip, there was 15+ night clubs and you guessed it, we couldn't find the one we wanted. Em therefore selected the tackiest one she could find!!! It was like a under 18's party with young italian boys in their best clothes trying to dance to the worst music. Needless to say I did not permit us to stay long and we found another club. Em weaselled her way in, in front of a crowd mind you. It was really fun, the music was a little outdated compared to Melbs (which rocks!), but we had a good boogie. The only 2 probs was there was only 1 toilet for several levels!! And italian toilets have not proven to be hygienic! Also you had to buy drink cards, so for ppl who don't know to do this you will que 3 times and then be charged $EU10 for one drink!! Also very hot!

Sat evening we met Shane, one of Em's friends and tackelled finding a 'rock club.' Upon arriving an hour later on foot we discovered this rock club was now a restaurant (also guided by the lonely planet: in date)!! We happened to stumble across a small cocktail bar which was mostly booked out for a bday and quietly positioned ourselves at a small bar. Well it was the funniest night!!! To give you an idea, Em ordered 2 beers and a Vodka and apple for myself, handing over $EU20. She was then given $EU19.50 CHANGE!!! All in all, we made friends with the bar staff and had an absolute ball. They gave us free drinks and that included especially made cocktails once we'd given a description of the flavours we liked, menu's were thrown out the window, shots, etc. I insisted on a coffee after I was made a cocktail with 4+ shots in it, the waiters thought it was fantastic that one would drink a shot of black coffee late at night laced with Kah Lua, so we got more free drinks. The evening also consisted basically of charades combined with english/italian lessons, very funny! Turns out "Ali G," is a universal language also! Lots of fun!

Tomorrow, we are going to see 'David,' a mural by Michelangelo over the city, the Ponte Vecchio and the Uffizzi Tower. Also to return to the market (OMG! Its fantastic!). Wed we are looking at going on a Tuscan horse ride for the day, meant to be a fabulous way to see the country whilst also enjoying some vino and cheese!! Be great to get back on a horse too.

Very exciting times! Have had a ball, was fantastic to see Juz and Andy, also Shane on the way. Will be awesome to meet up with Chris and Dean in London on the 26th, and even better to see Charles on the 27th. When we return to Taunton, we will have the pleasure of the boys and Charles' parents, Mary and Lance coming to stay with us. Charles and I are also doing a weekender to Geneva on the 10-12th and have a 2 week holiday late November to Prague, Milan and Barcelona!

Missing everyone very much as always, please keep me informed of whats happening in melbs!!

Laws Family: How was Italy?????? Is the contact you have in Florence???
Mum & Dad: Missing you!!! How was the bike ride??? The boys any slimmer?? Think I'm following their direction with all of this food, I hear you Leash !!! Skype going remotely too.
Charles: Miss you!! Also have some maps and currency for Berlin!
Chris & Dean: Cheers for booking accomm for London, Fabric and the Gallery will rock! Cant wait. See you on the 26th! What time are you due to arrive? Evening if I remember correctly!!?
Mary & Lance : Have a fantastic time in Singapore and Dubai, I'm very much looking fwd to seeing you in Taunton!
Em: Loving your company, cheers! haha
Marguerite : How was Fiji? Cyclone settle? Find some knew sandles? Hows Brent?
Everyone else: Big hugs and kisses! xoxoxoxoxoxo

PS: "When in Rome..............Never get in a taxi!" We had the freakiest experience, road rules do not apply. Sheer determination does! We went the wrong way down streets at high speeds, was absolutely terrifying, never again!!!!


17th October 2006

Good Job
Hello!!!! Glad to hear you girls are alive and well !! Flying into Gatwick around 16:00 on the 26th and will catch a train striaght in and meet up with you.... Please have dancing shoes ready, going to paint the town that week end... (Paintbrush ready!!!!) Miss you heaps, catch up soon...
17th October 2006

Hey! Great to hear from you, had a great time in Amsterdam, wish we had more time together. Hope the rest of your trip is great. Talk to you when you get back to the UK. Love Juzz and Andyxoxo
20th October 2006

Hey matey! Back in Melbs now after an incredible 6 weeks away.. Reading all your stories about Italy are defiantly bringing back great memories for me!Especially about the taxi drivers there... I had an experience in Florence after attending the space electronica disco (hilarious place..right up my alley as you can imagine) whereby I thought I was going to die in the taxi as he was driving so fast! I think he thought he had a V8 under the bonnet!! Wish I was back there! Have a great time with Em, the boys and Chops If you can get to Vienna go!-awesome shopping etc as well as the Swiss Alps-really beautiful. Take care, Kate xx

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