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South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas
October 15th 2006
Published: October 27th 2006
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Honduras to Manaus

Ice skating first day in Venezuela! Ice skating first day in Venezuela! Ice skating first day in Venezuela!

Lilian kept me company!!
After leaving Utila I got back to Costa Rica, 3 travelling days later... I had to spend another few days in San Jose, which is not the greatest place to spend time in Costa Rica.. But I stayed at Casa del Parque and had a great time with Federico and his family, as always. It's always nice to be here, to have a place to come to where you feel like home. I recommend everyone travelling in Costa Rica to stay there!! Check out Unfortunately all my San Jose photos has miraculously disappeared.. In case they turn up again they will be up quickly!

In San Jose I got a flight ticket to Caracas where I was going to visit Alberto!! Alberto was an exchange student in Sweden and always talked about how beautiful Venezuela is, and that I am welcome to visit. So travelling through this part of the world, it was a great idea!! He came to pick me up at the airport, and looked all the same! Stayed with his family for a few days, and it was very very nice!! They took so well care of me, and I think I ate for the whole year I was away.. SOO good having a mummy's homemade food again, it's been almost a year.. I did something I never thought I would do the first day in Venezuela - ice skating!!! Alberto's sister Lilian joined me on the ice, not what she thought she's be doing that day either, I bet... It was so much fun, I would have stayed on the ice much longer if it wasn't for the painful skates that made it hard to stay the full half hour we got... Alberto's family took very well care of me, showing me around Caracas and surroundings, and giving me tips of where to go in Venezuela. Alberto and I went to a pub called 360 degrees, which is on the roof of a hotel so you can look around (360*...) over Caracas. Awesome!! There seems to be so much to do and see in Venezuela, but hard to travel around on your own, you've got to take tours. Also, because you visit parks inaccessible by land, you have to fly to many places. I ended up going for a 3-day tour to Canaima national park, which is the must in Venezuela. There I was in the Gran Savana and saw Angel Falls, the highest fall in the world, pretty amazing. There are a lot of natural wonders in this area.. More about the rest of the trip in the next blog. Right now I am in Manaus, Brazil, and it's quite a chock.. Didn't expect the most central place in the middle of Amazonas to be a huge city of 1.6 million people.. Gomorron Helena... more about Manaus soon.

Ciao for now..


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In the botanical gardenIn the botanical garden
In the botanical garden

next to the highway...

2nd November 2006

Helena it was a pleasure to meet you! I hope we'll see you again (maybe when Veronica goes backpacking to Sweden). Keep enjoying your trip and sharing those wonderful pictures Love Lilian and family
2nd November 2006

lite lugn
Tja, verkar som att du fick lite lugn och ro har. Det kan behvas iblan. Av nagon anledning sa kom den har bloggen in pa min skrap post. Kanske for andra ocksa? Ser fortfarande underbart ut! Du ser lycklig ut! Puss, Sis

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