Tea for two

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October 11th 2006
Published: October 11th 2006
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We left Meleka happy that we had visited but thought that two days was too long as the town was rather teeny. We hopped on a bus to Kuala Lumpur a little unprepared as we were both unsure what there was to do there. After struggling shortly with our backpacks we again opted for the cheats method of finding the hostel and caught a taxi. The hostel was located centrally so the kind boy who worked there printed us a map to help us find the attractions whatever they were!! Armed with our map we were ready to hit the big KL. We have however found that having a map hasnt helped us in the past we have both discovered that map reading is not our forte. After just stepping out of the hostel and making our way to the KL Twin Towers we realised that it was just another hectic hazy hot and sticky city and we were not that keen. The towers were very impressive but just our luck they were not open on Mondays. Instead we wandered around looking at the very expensive shops and did not dare to enter looking very sweaty and grubby in our travelling gear. Instead we deciphered the map and set off to China Town via the bus station to book our tickets to the Cameron Highlands. On the way we stopped off back at the hostel just in time as the heavens open and the monsoon started. We sat in the safety of the hostel and watched the rain and lightening and listened to the thunder. It was our first experience of tropical downpours. After an about an hour we got bored so donned our packa macs for the first time and trundled off to China Town. On entering China town we were bombarded by people trying to sell us cheap knock off belts, bags, watches and DVDs Sam and I declined kindly but it got too much and we had to escape. So all in all we were not huge fans of KL and are now worrying that we have five days at Christmas in another city and just hope Bangkok is full of wonderful suprises.

What were we thinking when we planned to walk to the bus station with our bags the next day it was a killer. But it was well worth it when we saw our VIP bus to the Cameron Highlands. The journey took about 4 hours most of this was spent spinning round and round up the side of a mountain. I spent my time trying not to look out the window as it made me feel sick where as Sam had images flying around her head of us flipping over the edge of the mountain and all going up in the biggest fireball ever to be seen. The driver was very careful rather unlike other drivers who insisted on overtaking us on sharp bends and teetering on the edge of the cliff. We reached the Highlands safetly and let out a little sigh of relief when we felt the difference in teperature outside. The air was cool and it felt so good, just like the weather in England. Our Hostel is an old retirement home perched amongs trees. Our first pit stop was to a cafe which sold tea and scones, it was delightful the tea was just what the doctor had ordered after that bus trip. After the delicious refreshements we decided to go and explore and followed a path to a waterfall. This was rather dirty and so decided to carry along the path seeing signs for a look out tower. Thinking this was a good idea even though sam only had her flip flops(plus other clothing! - sam) on we started to climb some very steep and demanding steps. We reached the top and both nearly keeled over from the exhertion we are getting better i promise. We met a nice gentleman called Kelip who proceeded to point out what we could see and invited us to follow him down a different track which was easier to reach the town. Being slightly naive about the jungle we trailed behind and found that flip flips were not designed for treking so poor old sam struggled to navigate over huge branches and muddy wet terrain. The walk was very interesting though Kalip showed us foods that we could eat if we ever got lost in the forest and plants such as wild ginger and citronella. Half way through our walk it dawned on us that he must do this to make people feel obliged to give him money, we did shell out some Ringit as we did enjoy his knowledge. We booked a tour our next day in the Cameron Highalnds it was a half day adventure tour which included going to visit a tea plantation and tea factory, a trip up one of the highest mountains in the Cameron Highlands and an hours walk through the jungle and to visit a butterfly farm.
We set off at 9 in the morning with our guide who was a very cheerful guy who said to call him Money. Luckily Sam and I were the only two customers on the trip therefore received his full attention we were very spoilt. We headed up the side of the mountain to the tea plantation. It was amazing to sea how our lovely cuppa is grown and produced. The factory was closed for four days so instead Money filled us in with all the facts. Once we had taken some snaps we headed up the mountain in his four wheeled jeep which seemed to struggle even in first gear. We reached the top and climbed a watch tower. The fog from Sumatra meant that we werent able to get the best view but were able to take a few good photos. Money then took us on the best jungle walk ever. We entered through a small gap between some trees and pulled ourselves through the maze of branches and plants squishing in mud and moss as we went. He showed us some beautiful plants one being a Cobra Lily which is endangered and Monkey cups. We ploughed our way through the jungle receivingfacinating tales as we went, Money was a great guide who knew where was the best places to get great photos. He then brough us to a vine which he said that he has had people make a competition as to she who could climb the furthest up it. It was true tarzan stuff, he said the English had never climbed it and that the Italians were the best at scuttling to the top. Sam and I gave it our best shot and managed all of the first footing, it did swing around a hell of a lot at least we gave it a go. We trudged a bit further and made our way back to the road where our tour took us to our last destination the Butterfly farm. Not only was there butterflies but also lots of big creepy insects which Sam and I did manage to hold a few of without screaming too much. The butterflies were beautiful and probably nearly the size of a bird as the fluttered above our heads. It was a really good adventure and Money was a dude.

I am writing this starving hungrry and Sam is about to waste away we are taking a very long journey up through Malaysia to Thailand tomorrow in search of a gorgeous beach to relax on for several days, we think that we deserve it. So goodbye to Malaysia hello Thailand and Ko Pha-Ngan we want to experience the lazy beach hut, hammock lifestyle.

Ive just tried to add photos and the computer is not playing along so i will just produce a blog of all our photos the next time i can, something you all to look forward to!!


11th October 2006

flip flops!!
sam, you doughnut, in a bloody jungle in open toe shoes, think of the snakes and spiders! having that sounds amazing as i'm sat at work thinking how i have 58 days and 4hrs and 50 mins till my flight to BKK. looking forward to the piccys, It all just looks so cool and amazing. Pha-Ngan will be so lush, you have missed this months full moon party but the half moon party is on the 15 oct!!! Rave baby! Smell you later girlies xx
13th October 2006

Hello my lovely ladies ! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time and I am extremely jealous of all your tales so far !! Your blog is amazing !!! - I can't believe you found the time to write all this info and attach the excellent photo's ! It so interesting to hear what you are doing whilst my life is now back to normal as I am back from the USA - Capita is missing you Sam - there is no fun there anymore - its like it was before you arrived although I do get a lot of work done !! I hope you are enjoying your lazy beaches now - it sounds like you deserve it since your bag went missing and you and Hannah have been in the rain in big cities ! I look forward to reading more journels and seeing more lovely photos !! Take care and speak to you soon love you loads Em xxxxxx

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