And…we are off!

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September 2nd 2016
Published: September 3rd 2016
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Seems almost surreal, we have been talking about this day for over half a year, and it is finally here.

It happened much like we had anticipated; although people were hoping to know a set departure date, we didn’t know until the morning of that we were going to leave that day. And even that was questionable as things have been cropping up along the way that kept us around a little longer. The other day, I noted that trying to “get away from it all, and live a simple life” is a lot more complicated than it should be.

Last week, we spent a number of days at Tiller Marine in Dover, where owners Pete and Mieka Spencer let us dock while we (ok, mainly Lukus) fabricated a davit system for our dinghy and a mount for our side scan. Here again is another example of someone generously letting us use their space and equipment, and providing us with company and suggestions. Pete was a welding student of Lukus’ a number of years ago who lent a hand in the building of Abigail. He has been a great sounding board for Lukus. That man sure knows boats and can do everything from fabricating and welding/custom metal boat building to mechanical repairs.

Our last couple weeks have been filled with building a davit system for our dinghy, and more sanding and painting in the back hatch (during which I believe I may have gotten a little high off the fumes). We ran around arranging banking and payments, changing our status for insurance, health cards, and licences, and picking up and packing supplies. I think at this point, we have enough on this boat to sustain ourselves for a least a few months. We are sitting pretty heavy!

Then suddenly yesterday afternoon, the list was all checked off and we were ready to go. And so go we did…to Long Point. We thought Long Point would be a good launching point since it is Lukus childhood stomping grounds.

Lukus’ friend, George Summers, owner of Old Cut Marina in Long Point let us dock at his place where we enjoyed a few drinks and some last minute visits from friends. This morning, he volunteered to pump out our poop tank (black water tank in technical terms), fed us coffee, and let us use his shower. Thanks George!

After staying in Long Point last night, we are finally out in open water. Unfortunately, the first couple hours were pretty rocky, and I did not feel well at all. Guess I don’t have my sea legs quite yet. Poor Lukus has been left to steer the whole time so far, but he is happy to be at the helm, since it means we are moving.

A gravol and short nap seems to have helped me, as did the calmer water when we rounded the point. So now, we are cruising along, at about 7 knots an hour (or about 8 miles/hour) towards Port Stanley. It has turned into a beautiful day for travel, with clear blue skies. Hopefully we make it to Port Stanley by 9:30 or 10, making for a good run.

It is still a little incredible that we are finally on our way. Even though we have had lots of bon voyage visits, there still are so many people that we didn’t get to see. Jax and Rachel, sorry kids that we missed seeing you Have a great year in school, we love you both! And Dena, my dear friend, sorry I didn’t let you know when we left; it was literally a spontaneous departure.

To all our dear friends and family we wished we could have seen, distance and time cannot break the bonds we have with you. And so, we are not saying “good bye”, but just see you later.


3rd September 2016

Sailing with the Blues
Sorry that you experienced motion sickness; some things never change. Glad that your tummy settled with the smoother waters. Picturing you on that boat, enjoying the beautiful waters. We are sharing with our Japanese friends, who get envious of your adventure.
4th September 2016

Travel safe
Congrats on making the first leg of your amazing journey. Looking forward to many more blogs....
4th September 2016

Thanks Sherri
I must admit some of your FB posts have inspired me!! I hope you continue enjoying more travels as well.
4th September 2016

We're all sending you our love!!! Safe travels!! Mom said plain potato chips is supposed to be good for boat/water sickness. Let me know if that works. Have fun & be safe xx
4th September 2016

We're all sending you our love!!! Safe travels!! Mom said plain potato chips is supposed to be good for boat/water sickness. Let me know if that works. Have fun & be safe xx
5th September 2016

Congratulations on your departure. Your Port Stanley visit is close to my old stompin grounds. I hope the hurricane leaves you alone and it should. As always we anxiously await your next entry. Fair winds and following seas. Tom
5th September 2016

Yes we are!!
No sign of hurricanes yet...but we've had some big ships coming up our stern! Just past Detroit, and into the open waters of Lake Huron now :) We will post some pics on our blog. thanks Tom!

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