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Asia » China
October 9th 2006
Published: October 9th 2006
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11th October 2006

Very nice!
Very nice!
12th October 2006

My lil ho!!!
Hey my lil ho, I see you have been galavanting China but we both know how good you are at galavanting. I finally red the remaining blogs so you won't be needing that tampon anymore. It's great to see that you are making friends and travelling and having a fantastic time, even if it's without me. I'd really love to be there with you but honey we both know that we would probably kill each other well and good, death by chopstix - LOL. I mean we are in two different countries and we still manage to argue but i guess that's part of what best friends do. I can't wait to see you in Melbourne coz you know i miss your ass immensly. But for now i will need to share you with Beijing, after all they need to experience the special person that you are, i can't be selfish. Take care babe Love me xoxoxo

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