National Holiday - China

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September 27th 2006
Published: September 27th 2006
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Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know, I will be going away from Beijing for the National Week... starting this friday 28th September, 2006.

I will be away for about 5 days, i'm thinking.

I am going to the north east part of Beijing, a few hours away - Chengde, Tangshan & XingLong (shinglong)

This website (if you want to check it out - is about one of the places i've decided to go to:
apparently has had the deadliest earthquake 30 years ago - 240,000 people died... i thought why not, i wanna go there!!

Scary I know, but oh well... worth checking out something even if its one day :P

I will be available on email... look forward to hearing from you all,

Love ya lots xxx Ali


10th October 2006

Oh My God!!!!!!!!!
My email server has broken down however I MUST get urgent news to you. I went to get coffee and I bumped into C. HOLMES? Can you believe that.... More interesting is they are now hiring for the 4th time since my departure a HR person. Oh oh and I went out Friday night and this young guy (2 years younger than my brother) was trying to hit on me and feel me up. How yuk! Oh and his cousin had a scottish accent. Oh and my friend kissed the scottish one then 15 mins later kissed the one trying to hit on me. Oh oh and I got offered drugs by this complete stranger and he called them biccies and I thought he meant like a cookie so I asked if they were chocolate chip and he started laughing and said yeah sure, then I inquired if they were the chewy kind or the snap hard kind and he said yeah they are HARD lady real hard and was laughing his head off, it was at this point that I totally clued in and ran off. Ali where are you when I need you......... this is only a snipit of what I need to tell you.... Mhwaaaaaa!

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