Packing UP and Ready to Go

Malawi's flag
Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe
September 8th 2015
Published: September 8th 2015
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For those wondering where Malawi is.

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Hi Folks,

Just getting my blog set up so I will be ready to go whenever I have internet access. I am really excited to be joining 14 other Habitat Leaders from around the USA on this excursion to Malawi. We are planing only 2 days of building with the remainder of our time spent learning about the OVG programs in Malawi and how we can partner with them.

Stay tuned for more to follow.



8th September 2015

Making a huge footprint in this world
Michelle, your energy, enthusiasm and positive spirit keep us all motivated while reading your blogs. You are changing lives in an extremely positive way. Please send hugs and kisses to the people of Malawi, and tell them that we all support you in your travels and positive work with Habitat. You always seem to take these trips on with such gusto! We will miss you, and love you very much.

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