New grounds for me...

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September 8th 2006
Published: September 12th 2006
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Second day...

As I said, most if not all of North Dakota was a "dead zone" for my cell, but of course, I am cheap and only use digital service... hehehehehehe....

This is the first time I am running on North Dakota. Another "dead zone" for my cell phone. But the view is exiting. Very beautifull. Again, no photos becuase of the battery issue! Videos will come soon... hopefully.


16th September 2006

here; once again
Gerry, I tried to send another comment, but I don't know if you got it because I did one of those "Click here, click there" that made the message dissapear before I finish... Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that AT THE "DEAD ZONE", can "listen" better to the Silent Companion of your soul... Keep enjoying your journey... Minnie
20th September 2006

Silent...??? :)
My soul is way to noisy! hehehehe... just kidding, but your right. One advantage of driving for so long is the fact of almost zero distractions (other than traffic!) if you keep radios off. That way you can "hear" your thoughts better. Thanks Minnie... Love ya...
24th September 2006

De acuerdo con Minie
Gerry leí el mensaje de Minie y estoy de acuerdo. En el silencio se descubren las maravillas de Dios y además es cuando Él nos habla o mejor dicho "podemos escuchar mejor su mensaje" Te amo y te deseo lo mejor del mundo entero. Mami

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