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February 5th 2015
Published: February 8th 2015
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Our VillaOur VillaOur Villa

A swim between school work.
Arriving at our villa in Krabi was a very welcome feeling after a week on board ship with hardly any space. It had lovely big beds and toilets without generator vibrations, but it was a bit strange adjusting to dry land again.Stuart and I had a couple of hours feeling seriously disorientated with swaying heads the first evening, but we soon acclimatised.

Feeling a lot more tired than we had realised, we did very little for a few days apart from sleeping a lot, making the most of great wi fi for school work and catching up on laundry. Our saviour throughout the week was our lovely driver Pong who ferried us around, always arriving to collect us as arranged and making sure we had everything we needed. One morning he even went out to source a new pencil sharpener for Freya for her Maths!

Then time for action again, so we were up early for an 8am pick up to visit Wat Tham Sua, the tiger cave temple; no tigers here although a tiger reputedly lived in the cave once. The main point of this trip was to climb 1237 steps to the Buddhist temple at the very
Here we go...Here we go...Here we go...

Still smiling at this point!
top of the hill. Getting there early was great as the sun hadn't hit more than 28 degrees and the crowds on the tourist buses hadn't yet arrived.

However climbing the flights of steep uneven steps was no mean feat. The three litres of water we had with us was soon massively depleted and it felt like our progress was incredibly hard work. Three Buddhist monks who passed us seemed to make easy work of the climb;they had obviously done it many times before. But our perseverance paid off when we reached the top and saw the view across the lush, green hills. It made us realise just how small and insignificant we really are.

Soon after, a group of school girls arrived at the top and insisted on having their photos taken with each of us, awarding Abby and Freya star status probably because of their long blond hair! The climb back down was not a lot easier so it was with relief that we got back to our villa and straight into the pool for a cool off.

Having been completely spoilt with our own yacht for a week, it was quite a
Phra Nang BeachPhra Nang BeachPhra Nang Beach

shock when one day we took a long-tail boat trip across to Railay Bay and Phra Nang Beach and there were other passengers as well!

Railay is a beautiful beach with white sand and clear aquamarine water, only accessible by boat; a lovely way to spend a few hours. After six days it was time to leave the lovely beaches of Krabi and fly North to Chiang Mai.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Always smiling!Always smiling!
Always smiling!

Pong our lovely Thai driver.
How many more!How many more!
How many more!

It's a long way up!
What a view!What a view!
What a view!

Yes we did get to the top.

9th February 2015

Again you have achieved something you will not meet again. I don't think there are that many steps in the whole of Devon and you actually got to heaven!xxx
10th February 2015

Ha ha! Hope you are having a good time with Sonia. We are now in Bangkok- amazing place. X

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