Great Ocean Road - Day 2

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January 31st 2015
Published: January 31st 2015
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We set off this morning on day 2 of our trip along the Great Ocean Road from Apollo Bay to Warrnambool. Another fantastic drive along the coast with the highlight being a stop to see the "12 Apostles" which are limestone "stacks" created by sea erosion. There are actually only 9! They are one of Australia's most famous sites and as expected there were a lot of people there. Hopefully the photos give you some idea but they need to be seen to really appreciate them. The other highlight of the day was seeing wild Koalas! ( see photo) We were driving along when we spotted one asleep in a tree! We then drove on a couple of hundred metres and there were more! So cute! We also got a quick glimpse of a wild kangaroo! However, they quickly disappear when we tried to get close so we couldn't get a photo. We arrived at our hotel in Warrnambool - very clean and comfortable.

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31st January 2015

Oh Lisa, The photos are simply wonderful and it takes me back to our trip together all those years ago. This is my daily job over breakfast to follow your blog. I am so happy for you both.Love Jennyxx

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