Nazareth to Cana, Sea of Galilee, Mt. of Beatitudes, Seven Seas (Tabgha), St. Peter's Primacy and Capernaum.

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January 19th 2015
Published: January 19th 2015
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The happy couples at Cana.The happy couples at Cana.The happy couples at Cana.

Renewing marriage vows.
Today we traveled to Cana where Jesus turned water into wine at the Wedding Feast of Cana, his first miracle. Upon arrival all the married couples in the group renewed their wedding vows. It was one of the little surprises that we have been experiencing every day. We processed down the aisle in 2’s and then facing our spouses all recited our wedding vows followed by a blessing of our rings. It added a nice touch and was a special beginning to our day.

Some of the sites we visit have been destroyed in one way or another but through excavation ruins are found and then churches built on top of them to preserve them. Sometimes these churches are destroyed by war or earthquakes and rebuilt only to be destroyed again.

Next stop was the Sea of Galilee. We took an hour boat ride and sang the National Anthem as the American Flag was hoisted up the mast. We were given a demonstration of how the disciples must have thrown the net over the side of the boat to catch fish. At every site we visit, Father reads the corresponding Bible passage to go along
Sea of GalileeSea of GalileeSea of Galilee

Raising the American Flag
with what we are seeing.

Along the shore of the Sea of Galilee we visited the Mt. of Beatitudes where the Sermon on the Mount is remembered and the famous ancient mosaic of the Loaves and Fishes. We visited the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy where Peter professed his love for Jesus 3 times.

At noon we stopped at a restaurant and our choices were chicken, filet of fish (Tilapia) or St. Peter’s Fish which included the head and tail. I ordered that and John opted for the chicken.

Our next stop was to Capernaum the Town of Jesus. There we saw the ancient synagogue of Capernaum. Capernaum was the center of Jesus’ activities in the Sea of Galilee and his town during that time. Jesus taught in the local synagogue. It was also the home town of the apostles Peter, James, Andrew and John, and the tax collector Matthew. We saw St. Peter’s house which was later converted into a church where we celebrated Mass. It was a modern church which was supposed to resemble a boat, but that didn’t happen. The floor in the middle of the church was glass so you could see the ruins of what once was Peter’s house.

Our next and final stop was the Magdala Center. Magdala was the home of Mary Magdalene. Senior Israeli archaeologist, Arfan Najar, said the city lay hidden all this time by just a small layer of dirt. Visitors to the center see the Bible come to life. The center is beautiful with an altar shaped like a boat and a marble floor that resembles water.

John and my favorite place visited today was the Sea of Galilee, the boat ride and hearing about and seeing the places that Jesus had worked some of his best known miracles.

John and I were both exhausted by this time and all we could think of was to get back to the hotel. Luckily it was about an hour’s drive back so we took a little snooze.

It has been nice being here for 3 nights, but tomorrow it is bags out at 7:00 for the next part of our adventure.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Magdala CenterMagdala Center
Magdala Center

Altar-shaped boat.

20th January 2015

Hi George and John I am glad you are having such a wonderful tour of the Holy Land and learning from the best. What a special surprise to renew your vows and have your rings blessed. These extra activities must make it fun everyday not knowing what to expect. I am truly enjoying your blogs and pictures. Thank you for taking the time when I am sure you are exhausted. Happy Safe Travels Love Sharyn
22nd January 2015

This trip looks and sounds so amazing. Renewing your vows, casting nets off the boat, eating whole fish. What an exciting, beautiful, educational and spiritual adventure.

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