Second and Third days

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North America » United States » Nebraska » Grand Island
September 3rd 2006
Published: September 4th 2006
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2nd and 3rd days

I stoped at the second and third yellow ballons and the last stop was at the red ballon in two days.

Wonderful WyomingWonderful WyomingWonderful Wyoming

Going to the tunnel...
The second day and third, I went tru what I call, the 800 miles dead zone; no digial cell phone signal! hehehehe... Any way, I got to see land that I have not seen for over 4 years. I forgot how tough is to live in Wyoming and Nebraska. These are lands of real cowboys. You have to be one to survive the winters here! hehehehe...

Most cities in this area of the country are wide apart in distance, like 100 miles in between. For instance, Wyoming is 401 miles on I-80 and Nebraska is 458 give or take one mile. Of course, the "dead zone" really starts in Utah on the canyon of I-84... So is really about 900 miles!!! hehehehe...

Well, lets see what Iowa has in store for me tomorrow! Good night to all and God bless you.

El Trucker

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Wonderful Wyoming 01Wonderful Wyoming 01
Wonderful Wyoming 01

Get your sunglasses off! you wont see a thing in there!!!!
Wonderful Wyoming 02Wonderful Wyoming 02
Wonderful Wyoming 02

Who turn off the ligths... oops, I had my sunglasses on! silly me... :O
Wonderful NebraskaWonderful Nebraska
Wonderful Nebraska

This is basically what you see for 450 miles in Nebraska... Straight like an arrow! hehehehe...

5th September 2006

For the sake of our dreams
...the reason.., only each one knows... We all have dreams and we have to make them happen! There's still a lot to conquer in life and the way, the road we choose is up to us.., as far as we arrive... As far as we enjoy the journey! Be positive, Gerry; always positive!

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