Gone Girl

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November 5th 2014
Published: November 4th 2014
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Gone GirlGone GirlGone Girl

Gypsy, The name says it all, she has travelled some of the loneliest outback roads
Well things come and go in to our lives and back at Woodstock our favourite farm in New South Wales on the 12th of November 2012 (4 years to the day) on arriving in Australia we took delivery of Gypsy, which many of you have read in our blog (Code Name Gypsy- A Pozzie Apprenticeship 12/11/2012.

When we purchased her from Vista RV in Melbourne we had been looking for nearly two years and once we had put a sizable deposit down we waited another 6 months for it to be manufactured and delivered.

We always intended to keep it for a good while and had discussed that it would probably be around 10 years so, so felt she was an integral part of our adventures, as she had been loyally dragged on some of the loneliest tracks in the world, although she never crossed the Simpson desert.

What caught our eye when we first saw Gypsy was the amazing build quality, all made in Australia, which is a plus for us and built with passion, Louie and Lorraine Cretella who own Vista, build these hand made units and you can tell, its not that mass produced shit we are used to nowadays.

We truly believe things happen for a reason, I also believe everything has a price, for example if someone made us an offer on the Landcruiser, even after I have done so much on it then I would let it go in a heart beat, I have no such attachment’s to inanimate objects, well I didn't until I felt the such a tug on my heart, when we decided to let her go.

Well either our stars were aligned or something in the universe was at work as out of the blue, some one from our old 4 wheel drive club 6000 kilometres away , dropped Caroline a face book message and asked if we were interested in selling her, so we sat down and looked at our options, about 24 hours later a deal had been struck a deposit had been placed on her and we were now heading for another new chapter of our adventure.

The requirement the new owner has put on us, is a tight deadline they wanted it for 20th December and they had looked in to the transport option of putting Gypsy on the back of a truck and taking her all the way back to where she started and it would take 18 Days to get back to Canberra from Perth.

With the target date at 20/12/2014 counting back 18 Days, plus 7 as a buffer we need to have Gypsy ready to go by the 26th November (Happy Birthday Gary Barber) and we will be using it on the 21,22 & 23rd November for our 4 wheel drive club end of year getaway up at Seabird, so we obviously want to be there with our friends and will have to do as much prepping as we can , without takin all the stuff out that we will need.

Seriously there is not that much to do, she is in great condition, but as we are fussy we want it to go to the news owners in pristine condition as the way we look after our stuff is a reflection on who we are.

Will we miss it, well we sure will as I have said she has been an integral part of some of the very best travelling we have done, Uluru (Ayres Rock) and the Great Central Road and the Binns track to Alice Springs just to mentioned some.

The think I loved about Gypsy was she was all Australian Made, so easy to tow and amazingly easy to set up, we have had some of the most amazing nights in Gypsy in some truly astonishing places.

what’s next you ask, ah well, we are not sure yet, Helen asked if we were going in to a retirement home, but I don’t think that is happening quite yet, we are still going away with Andy and Karen to Cape Arid on the 20th December so we have hired a Kimberley Kamper to go away with, we are looking forwards to being down in Esperance in the sun.

We do know Gypsy is going to a good home, they are people with integrity and a sense of adventure and they will be people who will appreciate her, it is the most amazing camper trailer and one of the best on the market, who knows Gypsy’s new owners may decide to write (Blog) about her adventures, that would be really cool.

So we are sad, but that is the way it goes, and knowing she is returning to the ACT ( Australian Capital Territory) makes me happy.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


5th November 2014

Going ... going ... gone!! (almost)
You two certainly take some keeping up with! We never know what you will get up to next. Oh dear!! the end of an era, huh!? So, what happens now - now that you are soon to be homeless? Another project looming on the horizon for Louie perhaps? :) Love to both. J & T xxx
5th November 2014

Ah goodbye gypsy
Can't believe it's been that long! Mind you I can't believe it's 6 years since you left! I hope you find a suitable replacement so that you can carry on with your travels! Speak soon Steve
5th November 2014

Gone Girl
Morning Steve, it will be six years tomorrow the 7th November when we left the UK, that is astonishing, where has that time gone. Best regards Andy
7th November 2014

Goodbye Gypsy. Been nice knowing you and knowing that you have been good to Andy and Caroline. Be good to your new owners. So, what are you looking at now? Do you have anything in mind for your off road adventures? As you head into summer, won't the lack of accommodation hold back on your adventures? Take Care..
7th November 2014

Hi Guys, You are so perceptive, this is the worst time it could have happened, so much on and with Gypsy going right in the middle, its going to be hard, we have had to hire a camper for our Christmas getaway, as we are going to Cape Arrid on the 20th of the 12 for jst over two weeks this is what we wanted Gypsy for, but the new owners were wanting her for a trip the same date, and as they are having her collected to get her back to the ACT she will be going on the 26/11. We ar just looking around for her replacement. Thanks for the comments as always, we love em.!! Andt

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