Challenge completed, Achievement never felt so sweet.

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Europe » Spain » Galicia » Santiago de Compostela
October 20th 2014
Published: October 20th 2014
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Yesterdays events were inspiring and many; the magnitude of what we have achieved takes awhile to sink in. Two guys 70 & 69 have just completed a 500 mile, or 800km walk across Spain. We are pleased with ourselves on a number of fronts, 1. We finished in spite of sime obstacles, 2. When we felt like giving up, we pushed on, our health has been maintained miraculously by the Lord, 3. Our friendship has deepened even though we have been together 24/7 for nearly 7 weeks, 4. We have met some delightful people with backgrounds and life stories that are inspiring, 5. We have been prayed for & supported by an army of family & friends like yourselves - thank you, 6. We leave here knowing God has done a work in both of us, the result yet fully to be realized.

On arriving in Santiago the Cathedral became evident as we tall spires. We had been told it was under restoration, so scaffolding was evident. Our hotel is directly opposite one of the entrances to the Cathedral. Being to early to book in, we left our day packs and proceeded to investigate our surroundings, took photos of our finish line - the Cathedral. Had breakfast of bacon & eggs, and headed for the Midday Mass. We arrived a little after 11am, and the place was packed; our seats were the base of two big columns. People gradually stood in front of us, so i stood up for the whole service on my pedestal overlloking the group in front of me - great view of everything, although a little tiring after an hour. I taped a little of the singing, and much to my surprise and embarrassment it began to play back during the service. Along with 2 or 3 others we eventually turned it off. (RED FACE, RED FACE). The service ended with the swinging of the big smoke burner, which is quite enthralling to watch. The mass is centered around the Pilgrims, and the message is quite evangelistic (so we were told by a Spanish speaking pastor). It's thought the original intention of the smoke burner was to quell the smell & stench of the original pilgrims when they arrived. The incence in the burner is sweet smelling. I thought this was appropriate for Roger, but myself i smell like a sweet rose :-), :-).

The rest of the day was spent sight seeing, and catching up with fellow pilgrims met along the way. Dinner last night was shared with the Presbyterian minister & his wife also from California.

A highlight was standing in line to receive our certificates at the Compostela office for having completed the trek. We now are official pilgrims of the Camino. Today we are heading to the church of St Francis to collect another certificate celebrating the 800th anniversary of Saint Francis walking the Camino. They are providing the certificates free to those who would like one.

We are surrounded by buildings hundreds of years old, quite amazing. Our hotel we think is the former palace of the Bishop of Santiago - unbelievably large. It is very comfortable; we look at upon a green hillside dotted with white houses with red roofs. The hill is topped with two telecommunication towers. In the foreground are the bluestone ancient buildings with narrow streets. People walk by in conversation, while children play gaily in the parks. Another fine day is promised as we rest, and get ready to catch a train tomorrow to Madrid. Home here we come.

the following words are a summation of Roger''s and my experience on the Camino.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our Light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking,

So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us.

It's not just within some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our Light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others.

Marrianne Williamson, immortalized in Nelson Mandelas, "Freedom Speech".

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


20th October 2014

The best seat in the house, lots of leg room !
Dear Pal, you made it! Thank you for allowing us to travel with you. Time now to rest, heal and reflect. CU soon! Ken
20th October 2014

Howdy Pardner
Yes Ken, it is finished. The Compostela has been registered as complete by the authorities; I now have my certificate. Tomorrow we take the train to Madrid (approx 7 hours), I am looking forward to it, seeing the country from a different perspective. i will be home in less than 10 days. Looking forward to coffee or maybe lunch at Panera (I'm suffering withdrawals :-)). Thanks for your encouragement along the way. Keep Smiling. Daryl
20th October 2014

Congratulations !!
Mabye you can now act like you are 50. I thank God for you brother. We look forward to having you back home. Let me know if you need a lift from the airport.
20th October 2014

Great to hear you're home.
Hi Del, so looking forward to hearing about your cruise; I'm sure it was a relaxing time. I trust your health held up. yes, the journey is over, much to our delight. It was terrific to catch up with so many in Santiago we had met on the trek; it's like a little community forms, and stays together. Looking forward to seeing you soon. I will e-mail re airport. Cheers. Daryl
20th October 2014

Congratulations on completing your walk...
yo have both been an inspiration!
20th October 2014

Thank you Bob, we have enjoyed sharing our journey, so good you could join us on the trek. It has been an experience we won't forget, lots of good things happened, lits of things more difficult than we imagined, but through it all God has been faithful and sustained us. Hope you get to do the journey someday. Blessings. Daryl
20th October 2014

Well Done
Wow, what an amazing experience you have had, You have been uplifted in prayer and I am sure knowing you , you have uplifted may along the way. I am so proud of you and so very proud to say that's my friend, wish you were coming home to Australia now but that will have to wait I guess. Love you xo
21st October 2014

Friendshipd are forever.
Hi Dale & Paul, well you have definitely followed me around the world during our long f'ship. I'm pleased you were able to share this one. It has been one of the most strenuous, but also exciting, not quite knowing what tomorrow may bring. Thanks again for your Love & support. Daryl
21st October 2014

Daryl - well done! You have inspired us, and entertained us, and we have enjoyed sharing your journey/pilgrimage so much! Thank you! You have earned yourself a very good rest! What a mountain of memories - we think you should write a book! (You could call it "Pilgrim Daryl's Progress" or "The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly In The Plains - Just Ask Daryl!" ) Anyway - enjoy the trip back home and we'll talk to you soon! Love and prayers, Kev and Liz.
21st October 2014

To Grannie & Gramps
Well, it's definitely been fun sharing our journey with you both. I'm pleased your eyesight as you read by candlelight has enabled you to keep pace with the happenings on our trek. You have certainly kept us entertained, and laughing as I interpret Australianese to Roger. Thanks for following us; I will phone when I get back home. Love. D
21st October 2014

This is incredible Daryl! I am so inspired by you and praise God that you were both able to complete this journey. Looking forward to your return and hearing more. I will be praying for all those you met along the "Way".
21st October 2014

Hi Wes, I have appreciated you as a friend & elder taking an interest in our journey; it means a lot. I trust you have the opportunity to do the Camino at some stage. It is an experience like I've never known from a personal insight point of view. Have a blessed day. Pleased you were able to have a Daddy day with your daughter recently. Cheers. Daryl
21st October 2014

YOu made it!!!! :)
Good Day Mate :) I am so excited that you have reached your final destination! I am indubitably proud of you my friend!!! I am sooooo excited to meet your new Sheila!!! Don't be shy and spare the details ;) lol Can we go to lunch when you come back please!!! I have missed the sound of your whistling tunes in the office and the JOY that you exude! Ok see you soon! Praying for you! Love you mate :)
22nd October 2014

You're not a Witch, but a Beautiful Princess.
Hi E.J., so good to hear from you, and know you still remember an old bloke from Aussie :-), :-). I thought with your lastest photo shoot you would be so inundated with suitors, I wouldn't get a mention. So looking forward to seeing you, and your happy personality, missed it a lot. Love. D
21st October 2014

Daryl, I cannot wait to hear all of your stories that happened on your amazing trip. Reading through your blog I can't help but notice how much the Lord has provided for you both! You are missed!! Come home safe! -Kelli
22nd October 2014

My Million Dollar Girl
Hi Kelli, thanks for the congrats; it has been an experience I won't soon forget. I think you & Clayton should do it. I hope you have enjoyed the blog. I loved you photos from Pam's shoot last weekend- you look gorgeous as usual. Catch up with you soon. Love. D
21st October 2014

Who Hoo". You Made It"
Congratulations on you fantastic accomplishment! What wonderful memories you have! Those challenging times look so much better as you reflect back upon them and treasure the memories they hold! We are anxious for your return! We have really missed you!
22nd October 2014

Challenge complete
Hi Karen & Dave, so pleased you got to follow the trek. It has been a magnificent opportunity to spend time with people, to see God works in many different ways, and to enjoy my Buddies company. Keep me a seat at Sunday lunch :-), :-). Cheers. Daryl
21st October 2014

Awesome ! Congratulations!!! What an achievement. I miss you. Time to come home. LOL :0)
22nd October 2014

wahoo back to you
Thanks Kristen, we have made it through, and it's a great feeling. There were times i didn't think i would. Have seen some great paintings, and think of you each time. Met two brothers from Milan in Italy, and we got to talking about some of the Masters, andi mentioned your time in Florence. They were impressed. C. U soon. Love. D
21st October 2014

Congrats Young Man!!!
I'm so happy for you and pray that you will have safe travels back to us. We've missed you's just not the same. I haven't moved out of the office yet, so I'll be ready to hear lots stories. You are amazing and I can't wait to see you!!!
22nd October 2014

Thanks Friend
Hi Charlotte, really appreciate that you have been following my blog. Yes, it is completed, and we feel good about that. It has given us both a sesnse of achievement. Pleased we still share the same office, looking forward to hearing about all yiu have been doing. Looks good from what I've read. Love. D

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